Cynics are claiming, though, that those Jews never gave a damn for the Armenians and nor do they now, and that they're just using them to bash Turkey for its support of the Gaza flotilla.
But this is antisemitic, since the demonstrators have also called for the resignation of their own president, Shimon Peres, over his 2001 denial of the Armenian genocide.
Just kidding!
A genocide only counts when it can be used politically. Duh.
Hm I wonder if the Arabs and their apologists ever use the Holocaust to make political points. Come to think of it, I wonder if Alberto Miyara (the author of this blog who poses as an Arab blogger) ever uses the Holocaust politically? I wonder.
Pot. Kettle.
as usual Alberto José Miraya Ibrahim Ibn Yussuf*) got it all so lopsided that it amounts to slander
- I remember distinctly some years ago how upset I got by Israel looking hell-bent on doing an Armenian holocaust resolution
- what were you doing then? Ibrahim? fighting for the right of the Tamil Tigers to continue their suicide bombings? or were you out to campaign for the Maoists (figure out their location for yourself - a hint: Arundhati Roy has visited them recently - but she at least had a bestseller to her name before she went bananas.)
(- hold your breath guys - my position on that is way too complicated for you and I believe both Franz Werfel and Agatha Christie got it perfectly right - so nothing for you to pounce on there - if you want to do it anyway - go ahead be my guest you'll only prove again how ignorant you are. Facts don't make knowledge - forgot who said that ...)
*(boy oh boy would that German author Karl May have loved that name - really up with all the phantastic ones he came up with - btw I think fake Ibrahim should switch to Winnetou - that would give him the noble aura he craves so much for and which he can only feel to have when he plays piano with only one hand- Karl May by the way was a fraud, never travelled to any of the places he claimed to know so well - and had been in jail - I think it was for fraud - still he managed to become an immortal - so there is still hope for you - A.J. Miraya might look enticing on a book cover?-btw with that I am being serious for a change)
Joshua: A genocide only counts when it can be used politically. Duh.
Anonymous (shorter): The Arabs do it too!
Anonymous (shorter): Hey look over here!
Joshua - you pegged it right.
poor Alberto
Edwin and Joshua who are both new to me are even beneath Gerd and andrew
but to each the company he likes best
one more question: do you type one-handed?
I type none-handed, because I jerk-off both-handed. I use an Israeli-developed keyboard that is actioned with a blink of your eyes. The technique for bimanual masturbation is also Israeli-developed.
thanks for the clarification - I realized right from the beginning that you need to employ all you can come up with to make anything happen
- if I were you I would use a voice dictating program or whatever those gimmicks are called because I find talking under any circumstances much easier than blinking my eyes in a computer conducive way.
also glad that the Israelis help you so much in coping with your life.
Oh poor poor Ibrahim how low hav you sunk ...
that Joshua admirer you got yourself there sure wouldn't be able to make anything tumble, he insults with so little wit he isn't even good enough for a laugh and too thick to know that it isn't your anonimity which I hold against you but that little stunt you tried to pull off with you-remember-whom and which showed you to be such a bad author
- lots of good or even great authors sadly don't make it but in your case I think it must have been for lack of imagination.
Because a good writer would surely have created for himself a less find-outable character than that pathetic Ibrahim Ibn Yussuf, n'est-ce pas?
It was one of these many instances in your life were you underperformed once again, where another one of your little schemes didn't take off. Isn't it about time that you came up with some quality stuff that stands scrutiny and defies sleuths in case you want to do it guised as let's say ... well I leave that one to you.
PS: you may tell Joshua that for certain people it is proof of sanity if they stay anon while on the net as lots of those Facebook-exhibitionists will hopefully never have to find out.
I'm taking pity on you Ibrahim for once
here is something for you - take a minute listen, look and if you are capable of admiring multi-layered irony do so
if not get yourself a belly-ache from it.
Silke - cross-posting
something happened to the link - here it is again
hope it works this time
from Silke with love to Ibrahim
I hate sounding sheepish but here I've gotta say it: very well said and very funny.
I've been asking a few Zionists too if Israel will now recognise the Armenian genocide tomorrow. I haven't gotten any answers yet...
They're calling it a Holocaust???? My G-d, I thought hell would freeze over first...
These anon imbeciles hang out here day and night. It's reasonable to assume we're sapping at least a bit of Zio energy.
you sea how stupid your buddies are?
Gert says: "we're sapping at least a bit of Zio energy"
how come the guy is too thick to realize that I go here whenever I need to be invigorated a bit. Just as much as you need to relieve the pain in your head that comes from having to spend time in such company using both hands I need a good hearty laugh or chuckle whenever I want to relax a bit and most of the times I pass by I am rewarded.
Oh and another thing I believe Gert keeps showing up here because he hopes he can get another lashing out from vicious teutonic me. The guy seems to have a bit of a weakness for those Germania types. and why not chacun à son goût ...
Have a nice Shabbat.
I'm not gonna watch the whole thing, but did Caroline get in a solo about her pirate heroes jumping overboard?
Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf, again thank you for a good post. Especially the Peres quote is great, and you putting it into context.
By the way, I'm here for reading & learning. If you keep allowing these personal attacks on you here, I will have to reduce my visits. Please throw them out.
tell andrew r that a woman as beautiful and well-shaped as Caroline shows herself to be in that video who has a brain and the wit to come with this worldwide success is out of his reach
- all he can do about it is look at her and do you-know-what - which is the kind of insult that will make Caroline convulse with laughter (that's how our kind reacts to pathetic little one and both-handers alike)
ah and ain't that Guest great - congratulations he seems to be a genuine new one
- it seems he doesn't know how long back you and I go, Ibrahim, doesn't it ...i.e. how you wanted to give me one of your music compositions if I'd only let you have a picture of mine - shall we tell him all about it, Ibrahim Ibn Yussuf Albert José Miraya wannabe Winnetou?
enjoy your Shabbat
PS: I know that introducing the word music is unnecessary but I fear your buddies are so educated they wouldn't understand without a little explanation.
Dear Ibrahim
it's OT but it might be genuinely interesting for you
I'm sorry especially now when European states are getting wobbly one after the other I realise how interesting to the world a blog about how daily life in a "restructured" country is manageable would have been.
Too bad too late another missed chance for you (just think of the book contract offer you have missed) because with your low competence at coming up with a plausible alter ego your record here will soon find you. I can't get over it that you claim to have written 3 books of short stories and are still not able to create an avatar.
It's one thing to make a song people of different beliefs can enjoy; and then you have songs by, of and for people who support a siege on civilians. Caroline and her fellow pundits can't exclude me from their mutual masturbation, 'cuz I'm already staying the hell away.
info for Ibrahim only
there's good news for you
this week's NYTMagazine is all about football (soccer)
- not only the title story but if you scroll down on the right hand side they also have something from the archive.
and have a nice Shabbat
isn't that andrew ridiculous - just a little poking and he stutters
You don't poke, you sicken me.
look at andrew's last - I think he is getting jealous of us two being able to find despite everything common ground somewhere.
btw has any of your buddies ever done anything equally nice and seriously considerate for you as I tried to do in my last comment?
shouldn't that make you wonder a bit who might be the better company when all is said and done?
Enjoy your Shabbat
oh poor andrew
did evil Mommie Silke give you a tummy ache? I hope it hurts really really bad
This is a rather amusing phenomenon.
Good post Ibrahim.
Dear Ibrahim
somehow the way this Potemkin is chosing his words makes me think that he is trying to punch above his weight. (already the decision to try to impersonate the real guy smacks of quite a bit of hubris. I wonder what the real Potemkin thinks in his grave that his name has been desecrated by getting combined with a first name like Greg, really!)
How terrible that must be for you, first the destiny of unacknowledged or even failed artist in several fields all through your life and then nobody in sight who might have the taste and the experience and the knowledge let alone the sensitivity to savour your finer creations.
maybe tragic would not be to big a word to describe what keeps happening to you.
keep enjoying your Shabbat
You know silke anon, If you tried really hard you might be able to make a comment which either provides information, or perhaps even makes an argument which would hold up to scrutiny. I am not holding my breath, but perhaps you could try.
By the way, there have been a few famous people with the surname Potemkin (actually Potyemkin) – aside from the more famous court favorite to Catherine II, there was a Vladimir Potyemkin, who was Vice Commissar for Foreign Affairs under Stalin just prior to the Second World War. As I recall he was the one who met Ribbentrop at the airport when the infamous Nazi Soviet pact was signed.
have a look at Potemkin's reply
- for you as a linguist that surely is painful, but maybe you could tell this Potjemkin wannabe that all the different transcription rules in use all over the world haven't been synchronised yet (and hopefully never will be)
Surely this bit of bragging by Greg must show you more than lots of other stuff what kind of company you have chosen for your blog.
And again to combine Potemkin with Greg, the man must have tin ears, it hurts me to even imagine how that sounds - just compare it for a moment to Grigorij or Vladimir - now that has the mellow touch.
You morons are pathetic: the US and almost all European countries and the EU itself, and Russia, China, India, etc. have all not officially recognized the Armenian genocide officially. No one has to: it's the emperor with no clothes: OF COURSE THERE WAS A GENOCIDE OF THE ARMENIANS. Everyone knows it. But Israel has its very survival at stake when it tries to keep good relations with Turkey, it's only kind of friend among the 1 billion-strong Muslim bloc. But don't ever forget that the man who brought the Armenian genocide to light was a Jew and a Zionist, Raphael Lemkin (who also coined the word "genocide") and that Henry Morgenthau, Ambassador from the US to Turkey (and a Zionist) single-handedly saved thousands of Armenian lives. Why do you think there is an Armenian quarter in Jerusalemè Do you think the Armenians were allowed to worship there under the Arabs (of course not.) It's thanks to the existence of the Jewish State that Christians can orship freely in the Holy Land.
thanks Anon
I'm with you
Judeofascists are desperate now. Normally they won't mention the Armenian Genocide not just because it distracts from their own Holocaust racketeering, but also to conceal their role in it.
The Armenian genocide was decided in August 1910 and October 1911, by a Young Turk committee composed entirely of displaced Balkan Jews which included Talaat, Enver, Behaeddin Shakir, Jemal, and Nizam posting as Muslims. It met in the Rothschild-funded Grand Orient loge/hotel of Salonika.
The Young Turks ran many newspapers, including The "Young Turk," whose editor was none other than the Russian Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky.
Dear Anon @ June 5, 2010 4:29 PM
No offense, but your comments are wrong on so many levels that one is hard pressed to respond to them without taking up a lot of time and cyberspace.
Firstly, I think that you are being unfair to the memory of Henry Morganthau when you call him a “Zionist”. – Henry Morganthau Sr that is, the US Ambassador to Turkey, not to be confused with his son, Henry Morgenthau Jr., who subsequently became secretary of the treasury under Franklin Roosevelt, and who advocated the “pastoralization” of Germany after World War II.
If you go to the following link, you will find a transcript of a petition from a group of prominent American Jews condemning the Zionist project. It was presented to then President Wilson, and appeared in the New York Times on March 5, 1919. Further, if you go the bottom you will see that the second signatory to it was Henry Morganthau, ex-Ambassador to Turkey.
The NY Times article in which it first appeard is here.
The petition deserves to be read in full, because of its foresight and righteous eloquence.
Furthermore, as just pointed out by Andrew, Mr Morganthau was quoted in the March 7, 1919 edition of the Times as having resigned his position as President of the Free Synagogue of New York, because its Rabbi was a vocal supporter of the Zionist cause.
He also wrote a rebuttal of Zionism which was extensively quoted (again) in the Times of June 27, 1921
Lastly, for those who like historical irony and humor, (as reported in the NYTimes of May 19, 1920) after the Bolshevik government had made an accusation against some local Zionists in Russia, in which it was claimed that they had been involved in a plot with Mr Morgenthau, he responded that “he was not and never had been a Zionist.”
see this link
The humor of this story is only amplified by the fact that the episode antedated the McCarthy era by 30 years or so.
If Mr Morganthau subsequently changed his views and embraced Zionism, I would be interested in seeing proof of this.
Secondly, the whole tenor of your comment is basically a justification for the refusal to speak truth to power. Leaving aside the obvious evil of Zionism, if one looks at this from a perspective of general principles, what you say is simply advocating condemnation only when it serves one’s own cynical interests. In so doing one cheapens the value of his criticism, since after all, how much is it worth when one says that he will condemn the bad acts of his enemies but remain silent about the bad acts of his friends and allies?
Finally, regarding the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem, what you said makes no sense. The Armenian quarter is located in the old city of Jerusalem, which was under Jordanian (Arab) rule until the Zionist occupation in 1967. To my knowledge, there was never any attempt to by the Jordanian government or their Palestinian Arab neighbors to maltreat the Armenian residents there during that period. There are also quite a few Armenian communities sprinkled throughout the middle east, which outside of Turkey itself, do not seem to have been harmed either.
Furthermore, the comment about Christians being able to worship freely in the holy land thanks to the existence of the Jewish state is truly bizarre when one reflects on the number of Christians who were ethnically cleansed in the process of its establishment.
Rather than simply calling people pathetic morons, you might try reading up on these subjects.
Andrew, sorry for having jumped in, but I had already started typing when I saw your comment. But I am glad to see that others were aware of Mr Morganthau's pricipled position on the matter.
By the way, one really should read the Statement in Opposition to Zionism which Mrganthau (among others) signed.
Reading it makes me feel proud as an American.
Hi Ibrahim,
"Fängst Du an zu komponieren, so mach alles im Kopf! Erst wenn Du das Stück ganz fertig hast, probiere es am Instrumente."
(Robert Schumann)
Even though you hadn't even that little bit of common decency to thank me for pointing you to the NYTMagazine special on football I can't keep myself from being again incredibly generous and nice with you, Fake Ibrahim, and point you to a football blog by some really good writers at the TNR
- enjoy it, even though I am football ignorant I look forward to be guided through the championship by such interesting people. When I printed the first batch this morning I saw that one of the first posts is about Maradona. - enjoy!
a little advice from me, if I were you I wouldn't get into an argument with Ibrahim's buddies, you'd only feed the beast and entice them to enjoy more bouts of logorrhea - nobody who matters in any way trusts them one minute and they only want you to fisk their arguments to then come up with the ridiculous claim of having zapped "Zioenergy"
while I am talking to you are Ibrahim's acquaintances in Rosario aware what he does with both his hands while sitting at the piano?
I think that is a much more interesting subject.
cheers, Silke
Very, very interesting Greg Potemkin, that petition that Mr Morganthau signed, published in the NYT. It's interesting that around that time not just Arabs (there exist plenty of references to the foreboding and fears of displacement some prominent Arabs had about the Zionist project around the same time) had serious misgivings about a 'National Home for Jews'. Of course Zionism wasn't popular with Jews generally pre-Holocaust...
Nice to see such a substantive rebuttal to your refutation by the various Anons. Stick your Shabbos in your outbox. demize!
please help me get the joke:
I can guess what your buddy means by out-box, but what is Shabbos, Google is no help.
Thank you
hi Ibrahim
I have another gift for you, I am sure you and your buddies have terribly knowledge and enlightening stuff to add to this
are you going to ignor me forever and ever? I am getting desolate - it is terrible to feel so abandonned and neglected by you
Greg, I'm glad you were able to find that statement/petition; it was mentioned in the NYT thing on Morganthau's resignation and Googling around didn't bring it up.
Awhile back I found what may be the most concise and hard hitting anti-Zionist remark by a Rabbi. Moritz Gudemann, the chief Rabbi of Vienna, wrote Nationaljudentum in response to Herzl. It's quoted at length in Whither Zionism (Ernst Rodin), pp 60-62, can be found in Google books. Here's a few select quotes:
"The word Nationaljudentum and the movement which is associated with it suffer from an inherent inner contradiction. Judaism, on account of its historic mission, does not have the task to support let alone worship the addiction to or hankering after nationalism, but rather to work towards the removal of the individualism of all nationas and the unification of all human beings in one family. If Judaism would awaken in all its members the desire to become once again a nation, it would commit suicide. In the best of cases it would give up the future for a rather questionable present...
"Judaism, with cannons and bayonets, would reverse the role of David and Goliath and would be a travesty. It would deny the spirit of our religion if we insisted and succeeded in a national restoration - even if Palestine were to be handed over and guaranteed by the major powers - we would agree with the opinion of those who regard our two thousand year long diaspora as evidence of our condemnation.
"But it is utterly wrong [verkehrt] and in conflict with the spirit of Judaism and its history when this colonization effort, which is worthy of the highest praise, is amalgamated with nationalistic aspirations and regarded as the fulfillment of of prophetic assurances.
"Let us not put the cuckoo's egg of nationalism in our nest, no good will come from what is hatched. What did Grillparzer
[Austrian 19th century poet] say? 'From humanism through nationalism to beastialism.'
This sequence the Jews can amply confirm by their experiences during the last decades and
they are warned not to participate themselves."
He actually anticipates Zionism will make Jews into persecutors!
I cut out a lot for space but the whole extract is very far-sighted.
Wow that is amazingly prescient. Thanks for that, I will research this more. I had no trouble when I googled "Shabbos" there are like a jillion hits so you're being a douche of course, you know what it means.
Silke, I don't usually follow any links unless they're on-topic and a synopsis is provided by the person who wants me to visit those sites.
thanks Ibrahim for the clarification
so you are not interested in football after all?
Amazing after your exchange with Sergio on the subject over at Yaacov's I felt sure your heart was in it.
But maybe your heart is in nothing after all - what does you son think about that? Do you still allow him to play football? I sincerely hope you do.
and it is such a pity - today another published author is writing about Maradona and you want me to believe you won't have a wee bit of a glimpse just because the h/t came from me? and therefore manners would demand that you say as a minimum a gruffy thank-you?
for somebody who has managed to finish 3 books of short stories (for which I admire you without irony) that is a remarkably low-quality unbelievable lie. After all reviewers value an authors ability to imagine things to be laudable before almost everything else.
ooops Ibrahim
I apologize I just realized you used a double negative again plus a generally very ambiguous phrasing your "rebuke".
Oh how could I be so thick not to realize at once that you sent me a coded thank-you which your block-headed buddies wouldn't be able to decipher
So don't worry if I should stumble on more delights in unexpected corners I'll keep you informed.
howdy Ibrahim
here is another world cup gem for your which you might have missed if I wouldn't have alerted you to it.
admit it, I am really sweet and considerate
Ibrahim beware!
don't let your son see this hairstyle
they are really a lovable genuinely creative bunch, those football nuts, aren't they?
"Judaism, with cannons and bayonets, would reverse the role of David and Goliath and would be a travesty. It would deny the spirit of our religion if we insisted and succeeded in a national restoration - even if Palestine were to be handed over and guaranteed by the major powers - we would agree with the opinion of those who regard our two thousand year long diaspora as evidence of our condemnation.
"But it is utterly wrong [verkehrt] and in conflict with the spirit of Judaism and its history when this colonization effort, which is worthy of the highest praise, is amalgamated with nationalistic aspirations and regarded as the fulfillment of of prophetic assurances."
Nice words about the spirit of Judaism from Henry Morgenthau. However, I think the Holocaust caused most Jews to reevaluate the necessity of the Zionist project for the survival of the Jewish people.
Jews haven't exactly voted with their feet on that one. And at no point in history would Palestine be a safe haven. It was almost invaded by the Germans in 1942 (Don't forget the Brits invaded in WWI from Sinai). A fully armed Israel in 1939 would not succeed where Poland failed, so the whole selling point of Jews defending themselves goes up in smoke. And if there was to be a Holocaust against Jews today, it would probably be done by the United States. I think anyone expecting Israel to work in that scenario, God forbid it should happen, is in for a bucket of cold water.
And that was written by Moritz Gudemann, chief Rabbi of Vienna in 1897. My paragraph before quoting him couldn't have been that hard to follow. Zionism has been detrimental to the survival of the Palestinian people. More Jews have been saved by American capitalism, or liberalism if you wish, than Zionism.
Ooops: To accept the 'next Holocaust' argument that should have been of course. My bad...
hi Ibrahim
could you tell your buddies that not everything Anon is from me so some might be or rather not - one never knows n'est-ce pas.
- they are really getting excited aren't they and try anything they can think of to draw me in an argument, makes me feel really desirable and wanted and highly attractive - please say thank you to them in my name - you of all people know that we women can never get enough admiration.
and come to think of it ain't it cute that after they congratulated themselves on sapping Zioenergy of me it is them who are sapping their energy like crazy
- somehow it makes me suspect that your buddies are not very consistent - I for example once I have decided on a goal stick to it until I win or get defeated or just bored.
Did your son like the hairstyle I linked to this morning?
Say hello to him and I wish him in all sincerity the fun of a lifetime through the World Cup.
"And if there was to be a Holocaust against Jews today, it would probably be done by the United States."
Congratulations, Andrew: you just won the prize for the stupidest comment yet on this blog.
And Gert, it's not for you to decide where Jews feel safe.
Hi Anon
do you really still manage to read their stuff? then you must be a really tough one and I draw my hat before you (ich ziehe meinen Hut vor Ihnen).
I couldn't stand reading it any longer, it is so repetitive, after the first sentence I know it all.
That's why I decided to keep the talk up with Ibrahim only who after all is the source of this dreck until of course Ibrahim should decide to ban me which then of course I'd plaster all over Yaacov's in an instant. Do you think people who know about these goings on in Rosario are sniggering every now and then when they read that Ibrahim has to do "it" both-handed to get results?
But to meet a decent Anon around here is every time a true totally unironic delight.
The reason Israel was created was not to fight racism but antisemitism, which are two separate phenomena. Antisemitism and antisemitic conspiracy theories (many of which appear on blogs like this one) was the reason Hitler officially stated for beginning WWII, a war which lives approximately 55 million deaths, mostly non-Jewish. So combating antisemitism is in the interest of all peoples and not just the Jews.
Sorry, which "cost" approximately 55 million deaths
Congratulations, Andrew: you just won the prize for the stupidest comment yet on this blog.
Even stupider than calling Henry Morganthau a Zionist?
You can watch Abe Foxman make a similar comment in Yoav Shamir's Defamation where he calls Israel "insurance." I don't think it would happen in the US as currently constituted, but in a period of upheaval and civil war I could see it happening.
And for a guy who's very concerned about Jewish safety, it's curious that you'd call someone stupid for fearing another Holocaust.
"And Gert, it's not for you to decide where Jews feel safe."
Why, only Zionist can do that? Next you'll tell me only Jews can recognise antisemitism, I've been told that before to...
"The reason Israel was created was not to fight racism but antisemitism, which are two separate phenomena."
No, they are not: antisemitism is completely comparable to other forms of racism.
"Antisemitism and antisemitic conspiracy theories (many of which appear on blogs like this one) was the reason Hitler officially stated for beginning WWII"
Where did he state that? Jews were the scapegoats, totalitarians often deploy scapegoats for various reasons...
"So combating antisemitism is in the interest of all peoples and not just the Jews."
Fighting ALL forms of racism is in the interest of ALL people.
Oh, and Hitler also professed admiration for Francisco Pizarro and Hernando Cortes. And in Mein Kampf he contrasted the British empire, scattered all over the world, with the contiguous American one that was to be a model for German expansion.
This is what Silke would call attempting to make an argument.
Ibrahim darling
I am really getting worried about your buddies - the state they are just now trying to achieve is very unbecoming to the blood pressure of people of all ages.
and ain't it lovely that they suffer so badly from logorrhea that when after days and days some Anon throws them a tiny little crumb they start jumping up and down all over the place just like little boys in first grade when they want to show that they know the answer to the teacher's question.
cute really cute
- but maybe they try to write themselves into hooligan mood? yeah that's probably it, that'd fit them well. Make care you don't meet them I guess hooligans like to make short shrift of short guys.
good night for today my dear dear Ibrahim
"Where did he state that? Jews were the scapegoats, totalitarians often deploy scapegoats for various reasons..."
It was stated explicitly by Hitler himself in one of the few memos he ever wrote: Memorandum N.2 of 1937 which was addressed to Goering as the second in command after the Fuehrer. In this memo Hitler explains that Nazi Germany had to go to war against the Soviet Union to thwart an international Jewish conspiracy aimed at colonizing Europe through Bolshevism. See Yehuda Bauer's work; he's the one who brought the memo to light.
"It's a minor quibble, but Hitler never admitted to starting WWII in any official capacity."
"It's a minor quibble, but Hitler never admitted to starting WWII in any official capacity."
This is obviously untrue.
Yeah, according to Hilter the war was already going on. Duh.
That last anonymous was me.
hi Ibrahim
here is an audio on why the World Cup is an economist's dream - as a presenter bestselling author Steven Levitt is usually hilariously funny - so enjoy, I'll listen to it later but I don't want to deprive you of it until I will have gotten around to it.
If you don't understand spoken English I trust you'll let me know, so I don't sap my Zioenergy for nothing.
PS: interesting!
one of your buddies commented as anon
- did he maybe got mixed up a bit, wildly protesting anons here while doing it himself elsewhere
- how terrible that humans have such volatile rules when it comes to applying them to themselves.
hi Ibrahim
just learned that there are pianos and music for left-handers
- never heard about that before - I knew about one-handed of course because of that poor Wittgenstein-kid, but left-hander - amazing - the world is full of truly ingenious people
just in case you didn't know either and can make sense of the German - enjoy! -
what is this?????
"this is being done to steal Arab viewers away from the Al Jazeera coverage!"
I can't wait to read your take on this
you will not disappoint me, or will you?
(and tell your son - honestly that I wish him well for Saturday)
my dearest Ibrahim,
here is Ben Schott with his own take on the World Cup
in case you haven't come across him before, he is a very successful author, I think it was his first book, a collection of seemingly unconnected bits that became a huge bestseller and made him a household name for us readers.
Another day before it starts for you - from your little exchange with Sergio over at Yaacov's I know that that is something in what you are genuinely and even honestly involved.
another one especialls for you Ibrahim
and of course you resist the temptation to click easily n'est-ce pas?
a bit stuck-up you are dear, aren't you?
Ibrahim you naughty little boy, you
why did you never tell me that your buddy Gert is a celebrity albeit one whose "admirers" who know him obviously longer than I do have come all to the same conclusions concerning his aspirations at belles lettres.
Of course I only looked at Gert's profile, because you leave me so utterly alone and I felt so much in need of a good laugh. I hope you'll forgive me for having gone a bit astray, but believe me I would have never gone so far as to cheat on you.
But now back to Gert - he calls himself "Director" - that is a title much much grander than linguist - that's really a compliment to you that he considers you worthy - but as belles lettres go I think yours are way beyond Gert's even though I experience them as a bit unnecessarily tedious with all this bullet-point hurling and you're never quite getting the argument to synch with reality - but still there are indications every now and then that you might be able to come up with something, if you'd allow your talents to bloom by first un-framing your mind.
But Gert, Director or former Director and from Belgium, somehow that suggests an image to me that is almost as funny as my favourite anti-depressant book
btw did you know that contrary to you he seems to attract no commenters:
none for his post of June 7, 2 for his post of June 6, must be a bit dreary, no wonder the guy hangs out here so much.
Oh, how jealous he must be of you, how utterly jealous, Have you ever returned the favour? Or is that not de rigueur for bloggers?
Of course I won't comment on his blog, I might draw a crowd for him, he might start to look as if anybody is interested in his stuff, but if he ever should get a crowd and I show up there too, do you think he will ban me? I have found already one other address where the news of Gert having done that will draw hoots of laughter.
But really Ibrahim you should have told me earlier ... Director and Belgium - I don't know yet what that reminds me off ... mmmh? :-))))))) - I know I'm being silly dear, but Director and Belgium, there must be something to it.
Good football luck for you tomorrow! - sincerely!
Howdy, Ibrahim
did you see this?
Slate readers believe that "your" chances of "defeating" "me" are almost double than "mine" "defeating" "you".
So there is hope on the horizon, cheer up, sweet Alberto Darling, cheer up
- (and when all is said and done of course I wish for your son's sake that your team will be doing great today - one should leave kids out of the brawl, you'd agree on that one, wouldn't you?)
Hi Ibrahim
is your son aware that these are those who get support from you? I bet that you keep that as your dirty little secret.
"Twelve years later, those hopes have not been realized, and Mahdavikia has been red-carded by the regime. "
I'd think that the depravity of those persecuting footballers is a lot less beyond any reasonable doubt than those objecting to artists, but you are with them with all you got, n'est-ce pas?
- just make sure your son doesn't find out, make really really sure or try to come up with some of your wannabe ingenious vacuous little argument and start praying that he never finds you out.
"Twelve years later, those hopes have not been realized, and Mahdavikia has been red-carded by the regime. "
hello Ibrahim
this is another one from me for your son who hopefully other than his father is an enjoyer of different perspectives.
please tell me, do Argentinians by chance have equally beautiful males on their team?
If yes I'd really appreciate it, if as a little thank-you from you to me you'd link to them
Meet the three Jews on the World Cup squad
here's something for your son from Germany on how his father's buddies deal with sports heroes
sorry it's German but I trust Google will be able to help with the translation.
Hi Silke,
I agree with a lot of your viewpoints and like you I loathe the demented anti-Israel positions (often slipping into full-on antisemitism) on this blog BUT: don't you have anything better to do with your time?
hi Anon
thanks for being concerned about my mental health, well-being, afterlife or whatever
BUT what's wrong with a girl having some fun?
is my kind of fun really more mindless or pervert than yours?
just think which delights you could derive from me telling you all that Manfred Osten (who is one of the last truly educated men around) could pack into those more than 6 minutes about the recent gossip making the rounds between Schumann-scholars
(just one teaser the Nazi's claiming Schumann for themselves is according to current research an outrage on Schumann who sincerely liked and admired Mendelssohn and believe me, German scholars these days are meticulous about not removing blame which might be justified even only slightly so.)
Come to think of it, your buddy Gert seems to know German - but could you trust him when it comes to cutting the link between the Nazis and Schumann?
so to make it only harsher for you to indulge in the pain here's the official website:
oh and I am glad that your son was made happy today
just came across one more for you Ibrahim
lots of Schumann all of a sudden
Hasbara Buster:
Greetings. Below is a piece I wrote a few years ago regarding the late US congressman, Tom Lantos - political prostitute extraordinaire.
FYI, I refused to capitalise the "h" in holocaust.
Best wishes,
Chris Wolf
Lantos, Armenia and Jihad
"I am not convinced it is the business of government to officially recognise holocausts. But if we are going to do it, then let's at least aim for some consistency.
A propos, Robert Fisk wrote a solid piece in the Independent the other day attacking the three stooges (Bush, Petraeus and Crocker) for caving into Turkish pressure over the non-binding House resolution recognising the Armenian holocaust:
However, what deserves more attention than Fisk or the mainstream media are likely to provide is the role of prominent Jews in downplaying the horrendous events in Ottoman Turkey during the 1st World War. Several years ago, the Nobel Prize winning author Elie Wiesel attempted to suppress mention of the Armenian genocide at a conference on genocide in Israel. Yet when it comes to Armenia, there is no more accomplished practitioner of selective indignation than the Democratic congressman from San Francisco, Tom Lantos.
I may have confused you since Tom is never described by the sages of our media as plain old "Democratic congressman". That would be unthinkably vulgar. Holocaust Industry protocol requires the bestowal of an untouchable (and not in the Indian caste sense) moral quality upon his opinions and outbursts. The correct way to refer to Tom is “Holocaust survivor and Democratic congressman”. Not bad going for someone who doubles as a holocaust denier.
Despite the overwhelming documentary evidence, photos, testimony etc. Tom is still not sure that the massacres of Armenians in the first world war constitute genocide (this from a man who has lived amongst educated and well-informed Armenians all his political life - California has the largest Armenian population in the United States). Tom even helped AIPAC’s previous stooge in the White House block passage of a similar resolution in 2000. Tom's "agnosticism" towards the Armenian holocaust is even more shameful once you appreciate the inspiration the Nazis drew from this genocidal prototype."
"So I was stunned when I picked up a newspaper a month ago and read how Tom had changed his mind and decided to vote for the resolution this year. I would love to tell you how he summoned the courage to jump ship following a titanic wrestling bout with his conscience. How, for the sake of the truth and justice and at the persistent urging of Jewish organizations all over America, he abandoned the preposterous notion of the uniqueness and superiority of Jewish suffering. How it was time to make room for 2 holocausts in the history books of America’s public schools and holocaust exhibits and museums….
Sadly I must report that Tom's fundamental view of the Armenian holocaust remains unchanged. What has shifted is Tom's opinion of Israel's erstwhile military ally Turkey. Tom thinks Turkey is a strategic write-off and needs to be humiliated for its failure to co-operate with the invasion of Iraq. Put more succintly, Turkey obstructed the AIPAC agenda, a huge no-no. Not only has Turkey been flexing its muscles in its relationship with United States, it has been flirting with Islamic fundamentalism. This is very unwelcome news for diehard defenders of Israel.
But there is a final twist. It turns out that the Great Holocaust Survivor is also the Jihadists' Best Friend, a relationship dating back to Bosnia. Check out Tom’s latest oral contribution to peace and stability in the Balkans, this time on the topic of an independent "Republic of Kosova":
"Just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led government[s] in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all color and hue. The United States' principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe."
In other words, appeasing jihadists in Europe is totally consistent with the global War on Terror, part of Tom’s brilliant plan to fool those dumb Muslims into believing that, despite its slavish support of Israel, America is really on their side. Jihad, it seems, is only a problem when the rockets are aimed at Tel Aviv.
I recall reading somewhere how some female inmates became whores to survive the Nazi death camps. Tom Lantos’ career is testament to the fact that in the political arena, the process can work in reverse."
wow --- superlative congrats Ibrahim
another buddy of yours that's new to me, prides himself on writing holocaust with a non-capital H - the courage of that, looking death right into the eye that guy, isn't he? perfect company for 1,66 m wisp of a man.
to boot a guy who claims Robert Fisk wrote a "solid" piece - he must be at best semi-literate.
LOL isn't enough for that that's hoots and hoots of laughter
an appeaser and a whining one to boot and solid - what a combination - one thing I must accede it takes creativity to come up with that one
bravo, nice company you attract Albert José Miraya both-handed you know what
ooops typo I apologize
it is 1,55 of course
Do you spend all day and night stalking this blog?
You are a very sad little fellow.
With sympathy,
Chris Wolf
look at this Ibrahim
wannabe Wolf is taking an interest in me
could it be that I am about to become more interesting to the blogosphere than GertieBaby currently is capable of?
Alas that's not my goal. As you know well darling little Ibrahim the only person I am interested in is you and only you (can thrill me like you do;-))
how jealous of you they must be at heart
I wish you a speedy recovery Silke.
poor Ibrahim
being stuck with the likes of
Chrissie wannabe Wolf
I guess getting fawned over by the likes of Chrissie must hurt an unacknowledged artist like Fake Ibrahim much more than it would ever hurt me, especially he, an aspiring writer couldn't invent/construct a plausible impostor. no wonder the Chrissies feel attracted.
It's always easier to criticize the crimes of your enemies and try to come across as some moral crusader by doing it than to admit your own crimes and try to prevent future ones. I think that much is true.
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