Sunday, June 13, 2010

Israeli violence: ongoing, systemic and apologized for

I respect blogger Norman Geras because of this post. That said, most of his blog consists of more or less crude Hasbara, but the fact that he seems to enjoy a certain degree of prestige justifies taking an occasional look at, and duly criticizing, the contributions he publishes.

One of Geras' guest writers is British professor Eve Garrard, who in her latest post takes on writers Fintan O'Toole, from Ireland, and Iain Banks, from the UK. OK, none of these people is particularly famous as a Middle East commenter, but I'm concerned about arguments, especially when they're often repeated in essentially the same form. Garrard:

Fintan O'Toole thinks that Israel regards itself as 'exempt from the demands of common humanity' (via Z Word Blog). Iain Banks thinks that 'simple human decency' means nothing to Israel (see this normblog post).

Not what either author said, and here we've got one basic Zionist tactic: slight misrepresentations that change a lot the "outrageousness" of a statement. As can be checked by following the links, O'Toole says:

Once you decide that your group is especially exempt from the demands of common humanity, there is virtually no limit to what you will do to others. Lanzmann shows, through a slow accumulation of banal detail, the ways in which the attempted extermination of an entire people became normal.

His assertion is about the Nazis, not about Israel. He goes on to reflect, accurately, that because of the Jews' genocide, Israel prioritizes security over a fair treatment of the Palestinians, and adds:

In Israel itself, the tension between the two imperatives (safety and common humanity) has gradually weakened.

Which is a far cry from stating that Israel has declared itself beyond common humanity concerns.

Banks, for his part, states:

[A]ppeals to reason, international law, UN resolutions and simple human decency mean – it is now obvious – nothing to Israel[.]

It is the appeals, not the decency, that mean nothing to the self-called Jewish state.

Having slightly, but importantly, misrepresented both authors, Garrard proceeds with her criticism:

Two well-known writers, very anxious to tell the world that Israel lacks humanity. Israel's not like the rest of us, the rest of the human family. Compared to other nations, it's inhuman.

This is not a misrepresentation; it's a lie. Neither author compared Israel to other nations. This is Zionism's big straw man: the claim that because we antis (anti-Zionists or antisemites; I don't care what they call us) criticize Israel and only Israel we're implying that the country is the only human rights violator in the world. It's like claiming that physicians who only treat AIDS patients are in denial of the existence of malaria.

Garrard goes on with an all-too-familiar littany:

Sri Lanka, at the same time that Israel was fighting in Gaza (around 1300 dead) killed about 25,000 of its own civilians in the course of repressing an insurgency. But Israel thinks it's exempt from the demands of common humanity.

Sudan has killed something in the order of 200,000 people in Darfur, with countless rapes and tortures alongside. But Israel lacks simple human decency.


Congo: what can one say about Congo? More than that 5 million - 5 million - people have been killed in its wars, alongside innumerable rapes and hideous tortures? But Israel lacks simple human decency.

These counterexamples are fallacious. Zionists complaining that Israel is more slammed than Congo is like Tiger Woods complaining that his extramarital affairs are more exposed than his next-door neighbor's. Israel is famous and Congo is not, and if Garrard doesn't like fame to be a fundamental attractor of attention she should criticize human nature, not anti-Zionism. (By the way: so concerned as she is with the Congo genocide, has she ever penned any reflection on how all those Holocaust museums haven't helped prevent other mass killings?).

Her other examples are more relevant:

Now, here's one especially for Iain Banks: the USA and the UK initiate a war in Iraq in which more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians are killed. But Israel thinks it's exempt from the demands of common humanity.

France trained and armed the Hutu genocidaires who killed around 800,000 civilians in the Rwanda genocide, and continued to protect them even as they lost power to the incoming Tutsis. But Israel lacks simple human decency.

But they're also fallacious. In the first place, Israel can consider itself exempt from humanitarian concerns and lack simple human decency even as other famous countries are worse offenders in either area. Even if Bank's and O'Toole's argument had been what Garrard claims it to be, there would be no contradiction.

But in the second place, Garrard speaks as if there was nothing distinguishing the case of Israel from that of other advanced economies that also violate or help violate human rights. Which, of course, is not true. Israel's oppression of the Palestinians is unique as it displays three simultaneous features:

  • It's ongoing.
  • It's systemic.
  • It's apologized for.

OK, whenever you use bullets you've got to explain each bullet (exception: the Israeli Defense Forces). So here we go. Israeli oppression is ongoing. It is, thus, different from France's support of the Hutus, which is horrible and regrettable but, in the end, past history.

Israeli oppression is systemic. Israel needs to devour ever more Palestinian land and resources to keep its system going. It also needs to deny the Palestinian refugees any measure of justice. It futher needs to control West Bank Palestinians while denying them the vote. It even needs to deny its own Arab citizens, described as present absentees, the right to recover the property that was confiscated from them by the State. In all this Israel is different from, say, the United States. Granted, the US killed far more people with Napalm in Vietnam (or in the current Iraq war) than Israel has in all its wars. But the Vietnam war ended in defeat and the American system didn't fall apart. Zionist Israel, by contrast, would collapse if West Bank Palestinians were given the vote, or if the lands on which the highway from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was built (for instance) were restored to their Palestinian owners.

But finally, and very importantly for an intellectual, Israel is apologized for. It's not just that the system has created a racist country; it's also that such racism is defended by an army of writers, pundits, lecturers and bloggers. And it's an unconditional defense based on outrageous falsities, like the claim that Israeli soldiers put their lives at stake to prevent civilians from being harmed. Other countries' wars are occasionally defended too, but not with such insistence or with such egregious lies. You don't see commentators supporting Russia's onslaught of the Chechens with the argument that Russians never targeted civilians.

But as Garrard would have it, intellectuals should focus on the human rights violations that are undisputed, rather than on the unique case in which a horde of dishonest authors with polished arguments are trying to convince the world that black is white, up is down and Israel is a light unto the nations. She simply doesn't get the basics of intellectual pursuit.


  1. * It's ongoing.
    * It's systemic.
    * It's apologized for.
    Also, if you challenge the apologists, they set out en masse to destroy your career, or worse.

  2. WOW
    has used his blinking app from Israel again or was it a one or even both handed job this time around?

    and another congrats Ibrahim
    - Tarig Musa another blogger with no following
    - you are becoming more and more the darling of all the couldn't-make-its of the blogosphere. What an accomplishment! Lots of reason to be proud of yourself there.

    go on oh-so-widely-admired-one keep those Geistesfrüchte coming ...

    I wonder when Gertie-boy will come along and pipe in - be honest you miss him already
    btw Schumann would have "loved" you for the kind of company you chose to keep


  3. for Ibrahim's son from Silke


    USA v England

  4. Will there ever be a day when you at least try to post something meaningful Silke? Do your brain cells not allow you to even attempt to make a constructive argument, or are you so fully aware of the idiocy of your position that you don't see the point of even trying? You’re about as clever as the editors of the New York post sports section:

  5. Ibrahim
    don't you think also that that Musa-guy is a bit cruel on your son who, I am sure, will be delighted to hear the story told by such most likely iconic figures from football days of old.

    BTW that Musa-guy's complaint about my ongoing attempts to converse with you Alberto José reminded me that we translate "La Donna e mobile" as "oh, wie so trügerisch sind Frauenherzen" - but on that one we, you and I, Ibrahim, can certainly agree is way beyond in subtlety of what musing Musa will ever be able to grasp.


    btw the London Times today is over the top with praise for what Germans showed yesterday. They must have hid their comment on Argentina in their new only for subscribers website, otherwise I would of course have sent a link of it to you. One thing one must say about the Brits they know how to praise just as well as they know how to bash (normally we are the despicable krauts). (Of course my only pleasure in football, as you know, dear Ibrahim, are all the beautiful guys one gets to look at on the sports pages and that amazing enough in spite of the ridiculous clothes - to date my top pin-up is the one they showed at Tablet)
    well chaqu'une à sa goût, n'est-ce pas?

  6. I try to keep both my brain hemispheres (the soccer hemisphere and the hemisphere for all other things) separate, but like all Argentinians (or Germans, for that matter), I'm having a hard time right at this moment.

    So that please, Silke -- don't make it even more difficult for me. I've got Hasbara to bust, for God's sake.

  7. no mercy Ibrahim
    you know which side I'am on and this is the ideal occasion to show you what TLC might have on offer for you if you'd stop being silly

    compare it especially now during the World Cup to your buddies who want to hang out here because they couldn't find any takers for their own stuff. Has any one of them ever tried to make you happy as I am doing now day after day?

    I'll keep feeding your son juicy bits whenever I should come across one
    The Witness thing was really something, wasn't it?

    I haven't listened to this one but it seems to be about football and Nelson Mandela

    here's something else don't know if it's any good but showed up on the same page

    Also Ibrahim I guess if you try to keep my offerings from your son, somebody might tell him, what you got and he might not like that

    Endure! the World Cup is only one month - do you know if Schumann knew anything about the then emerging game?

    oh and did I ever tell you that there is a British celebrity, writer, TV, radio you name it (and he really is good) who wrote a book about the 10 most important books and guess what - one of those 10 most important selected by this highly educated man was that little book with the rules for association football - his name is Melvyn Bragg - he did an absolutely delightful book talk on it years ago, why he considered it among the most important books ever written. I think others were the King James Bible and equally august stuff.

    Do you bite your nails during games?
    I won't insult you by asking if you do during games what you do at the piano I know that even you wouldn't stoop so low.


  8. Very nice post... As regards Geras, he's supposed to be progressive but when it comes to Israel it's the usual tosh: 'you're all antisemites (but because we're polite we won't tell you that to your face - but what can all that singling out mean, huh?)'...

  9. look Ibrahim
    World Cup or no World Cup Gertie boy has been feeling lonely and paid you a visit

    he had his last disgorge on June 7 and to date nobody has commented - maybe if he started commenting on his own stuff it would look less dreary.

    While you Ibrahim even under the conditions of the World Cup get visited by Gertie and that that Musa-guy to boot and Gertie even leaves you a note
    - wouldn't it be nice if you repaid the compliment? World Cup or no World Cup

    good night, sleep well and dream horribly

  10. The point is that "anti-zionism" is simply the latest mutation of traditional antisemitism.

    Alberto Miyara trying to take on Norman Geras is the blogging equivalent of bambi trying to fight a dragon.

    Just stick to math dude. This just makes you look like a shmuck.

  11. Good Morning Ibrahim

    I am going to let you in on 2 very personal secrets of mine:

    this is the guy whose moanings and whinings on football I like best and who is also the one who came up with my favourite insult i.e. "despicable kraut"
    - I am convinced that his never-ending grudge at the Germans is also behind him chosing the word "horns"
    - but maybe that's a bit too complicated even for you - so here's a hint - think Walhalla ...
    (and note how well the man is making his point in just a few short sentences, quite different from you and me, dear José, n'est-ce pas?) (these little French inserts I am doing now are really there to remind me that I must remember why I find Gert and Belgium such a funny combination)

    Norm (as I like to call him) has presented me with one of the most perfect gift I have ever received from anyone, way superior to for example expensive jewellery like you got for your wife at a gentleman's shop in New York.
    Now, do you bite your nails during games?
    Oh and there is a book out which unfortunately you can't read, but just ask Gert, I'm sure he'll do anything for youßballspiels/dp/3492053556/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276587716&sr=8-1


  12. Anon 11:17

    great one Bambi and the Dragon - LOL, thank you! for that one ...

    especially since, as you may read above, Norm is such an ingeniious and considerate gift giver.


  13. for Alberto José Miraya junior from

  14. this one's for you and only for you Ibrahim
    I guess you'll like the picture
    btw when you are playing his stuff do you also use the Israeli blinking help? or is the blinking help not yet suitable for such intricate both-handed jobs?

    cheers - Silke

  15. question for Ibrahim
    on the picture it looks as if dear Bobby plucked his eye-brows
    - have your Argentine music programs told anything about that habit?


  16. just got this link from a friend who's into football, limping along on rest-parts of the brain just like you - I think it's really cute - I can understand that well having been once moved to the core by a look at dear Jane's own handwriting

    so enjoy Alberto José Miraya Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf wannabe Winnetou impostor

    but isn't it horrible that North Korea is in and Iran is out ? it makes me wonder how many kids the Dear Leader starved to feed his players into fitness.


  17. G-d, yeah: inevitably some not too bright spark came up with 'it's the ball!' and inevitably Rod 'look at me being rude and laddish in a mainstream publication!' Liddle fell for it. Next he'll be blaming the piercing glances of too many black spectators... He's capable of it.

  18. It's ongoing. It's systemic. It's apologized for.

    I think you are mixing up words having to do with apologies with ones having to do with apologetics. Also, did I ever mention Goodman's Law to you? It states that people's attitudes towards Israel tend to resemble their attitudes towards capitalism. (Your three points remind me of things the far-left says about capitalism.) Imagine you think capitalism is bad. Wouldn't you regard it as "ongoing" and "systemic" and promoted by a "vast army" of advocates blah blah blah?

  19. Yitzchak
    LOL - good one
    and my sincere admiration that you can stand actually reading Alberto José Miraya

    and isn't it amazing that North-Korea made it into the competition - I assume that the players will look well-fed and just to think of that makes me furious.

    Ibrahim, you consistently unsuccessful Wannabe :

    I am really sorry for you that Gertie Meyers from Bridlington, a blogger incapable of inspiring commenters, doesn't get it again (I'm sure you got it Ibrahim darling - btw as to the Palestinians Mr. Liddle might be a lot closer to you than to me, but of course we can't expect Gertie to know that)
    - the more I read from him the less I am amazed that he is "between jobs" this Director from Belgium
    - somehow Belgium reminds me of moustache and that gets me giggling again
    - Do you happen to know whether that adoring you Mr. Meyers wears one. And one more question do you think that Meyers guy has ever giggled?

    I sincerely hope football is going right for you and your son

    Why don't you let us read some of your take on the games already in this early stage? you know you might just might for once come up with something interesting - stuff written out of sincere love tends to you know

  20. Anon
    you are perfectly right of course

    but our Alberto José Miraya unsuccessful impostor of Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf and wannabe Winnetou is a twisted and alas common case.
    like every human being he wants to be loved, deeply loved, honestly loved. Why else offered he one of his compositions for a picture of me AFTER he already knew what I think of the likes of him.

    Anyway at some time long before I knew he existed he realized that he had access to the unwavering and unquestioning devotion of losers like that musing Musa or Gertie Meyers and some others equally "exciting" ones if he served them what they lusted for. And so he started to get himself "loved" by slandering and spewing hatred on the one being where he knew he would find followers

    That I must admit shows that the dear little guy is a bit of an unimaginative simpleton.

    I for myself have decided that as he is immune to reason or facts let alone knowledge that he deserves pity and compassion but no mercy, not the tiniest bit of mercy.

    And even though I've never tried to hide any of my feelings from him one bit he not only tolerates me but once in a while shows up to ask for more.

    I just hope that one or the other of the good people of Rosario get a little chuckle out of this every once in a while.


  21. I don't know, Yitzchak. Do John Hagee, Silvio Berlusconi, José María Aznar or Geert Wilders strike you as particularly anti-capitalism? Because they're great friends of Israel.

    I myself am not at all against capitalism, although I believe the often-neglected regulatory role of the State is essential. Of course, I'm far-left as regards civil liberties, and support abortion, drug consumption, gay marriage and adoption, the whole combo.

    Be that as it may, as usual you say interesting things that do not constitute, however, a response to my points.

    For instance I make the point that Israel's defenders claim that its soldiers put their own live at risk in order not to harm civilians; and that no other county is defended with such an obvious lie. Will you at least concede that I've busted that frequent hasbara talking point?

  22. Of course it is the anti-Israel crowd which sees black as white and up and down. Here's a bunch who diminish the Holocaust, make excuses for the Arabs' incessant wars against the Jewish State and for terrorism. They see Israel and the Jews ("the Zionist Lobby") as incredibly powerful and the Arabs as weak underdogs, when in fact nothing could be farther from the truth. They consequently make themselves feel morally courageous by bashing Israel and the all-powerful "Jewish Lobby". But they don't do anything more than talk (or blog) so there's no reason to fear them.

    Restitution of land? You have got to be joking. European countries still owe upwards of 100 billion just in public property stolen 70 years ago from the Jews. Arab countries owe almost as much from their land thefts from their own Jewish communities.

  23. Sorry:

    ...and up AS down.

  24. Do John Hagee, Silvio Berlusconi, José María Aznar or Geert Wilders strike you as particularly anti-capitalism? Because they're great friends of Israel.

    According to the point I am making one would expect them to support capitalism. Supporters of Israel tend to support capitalism. The most extreme Israel bashers tend be anti-capitalist.

    no other county is defended with such an obvious lie

    The worst countries tend to depict themselves as heaven on earth. North Korea is rushing like the wind with great revolutionary upsurge to create a great powerful prosperous nation. The grandeur of the Iranian election started a new era in world politics. Assad was voted into office receiving "97.29 percent support." The Libyan youth are "inspired by" Ghadaffi's "brilliant thoughts towards the salvation of humanity."

    Will you at least concede that I've busted that frequent hasbara talking point?

    We have already discussed that point, I think. If you want to locate the exchange, we can see if we have anything to add to what was already said.

  25. The most moral army in the world:

  26. Fake Ibrahim

    "a response to my points."

    we all know by now that this is the favourite argument of you and your buddies. Has it ever dawned on you that you are not making your "points" in a way that makes them worth responding to?

    All you and your ilk are after as soon as somebody gives the slightest hint of taking you seriously is grabbing at the opportunity to throw around another bunch of unrelated "facts" and "arguments" in the hope of by your own words to grab another "defeat". How slippery YOU behave you demonstrated beautifully the last time around Yitzchak granted you the honour of arguing with you.

    As Sylvia over at Yaacov has pointed out once unforgettably you are operating according to the "Rules for Radicals" - very ingenious original and inventive indeed you are that you need a rule-book to help you out - congrats that gives you a high rating for independent thinking

    And really your list of your lofty lefty "principles" are worded as such cheap shots that they degrade one person only and that's you.

    But here's a more interesting question: how often do you hand-job during the World Cup? still both handed? or with one hand on the remote control? and if so which one? right or left? come-on let us know more of the juicy bits.

    Have your kids already been told by other kids of all you have confessed to me up to now? I sincerely hope not, I sincerely hope people even refrain from wink-winking at them.

    You are a father, no matter how free you style yourself to be, YOU OWE respect and protection to the honour your children and therefore stop this which exposes you as a charade of a responsible father day in day out.

    All for your 1,55 m of ridiculous vanity nothing for your kids.


  27. thanks Anon 2:20 for that one (quote below)

    it needs to be said over and over and all those who did profit however remotely from that robbery owe the robbed at least the decency of staying within the truth or if that is too high a moral standard for them shut up.

    for my own country I keep saying over and over to myself whenever a restitution case makes the news that contrary to what the proverb teaches us acquirers of unlawful goods thrive very well indeed because it isn't only the value acquired back then it is as we say where doves are, doves will fly.


    "Restitution of land? You have got to be joking. European countries still owe upwards of 100 billion just in public property stolen 70 years ago from the Jews. Arab countries owe almost as much from their land thefts from their own Jewish communities."

  28. Come to think of it, Ibrahim should maybe tell us about all those Nazis on the run who made it to Argentina brought to the country

    they can't have all been beggars, can't they?


  29. ooops - meant to say

    Come to think of it, Ibrahim should maybe tell us about THE LOOT all those Nazis on the run who made it to Argentina brought to the country
    that Argentinians seem to have made bad use of it over the decades is certainly not the fault of the wealth that came its way via that route.

  30. for Alberto José Miraya junior from Silke

    though the Metin Tolan is an experimental physicist it should be pure delight for the son of a math teacher
    - it is bad enough you can't listen to it, this Tolan being such a good story teller, but maybe Google translations can do what they claim it can

  31. Yitzchak:

    "According to the point I am making one would expect them to support capitalism. Supporters of Israel tend to support capitalism. The most extreme Israel bashers tend be anti-capitalist."

    Interesting point you make: it does seem there is a broad correlation between being on the Left and being critical of Israel and since many on the Left are also critical of capitalism, Bob's your uncle.

    The question is, is there a causal relationship underlying the correlation: the production of cars in the USSR in the sixties correlates well with, say, the production of prams in Brazil in the same period. Yet no one would suggest a causal relationship...

    So what gives with the critical of capitalism/critical of Zionism relationship?

  32. Gert,

    The answer to your question re correlation between the Left and Israel-bashing is simple: the same useful idiots who sided with the USSR and the Arab block have always hated America, Israel and capitalism. It dates from Stalin's "doctor's plot" and the stalinist propaganda identifying Zionism with "international capital" (just as the Nazis identified Zionism with 2Judeo-Bolshevism"). Read your history man, the hatred of Israel from the Left has a pretty obvious pedigree. Not that the Right is much better, just google Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul...

  33. Anon, anon, anon:

    What are you rambling on about now? Are you unaware that certainly the European Left was a rather staunch supporter of Israel in the early days, basically up to 1967? That up to that date the US wasn't enormously interested in Israel, then a quite Leftist country with a leadership drawn often from European Leftist cadres, located in what was then a fairly insignificant part of the world? That in 1956 Eisenhower backed Egypt and made the colluding trio of Britain, France and Israel back down (during that episode Israel briefly occupied Gaza and committed Naziesque war crimes in Khan Younis and Raffah)?

    In the seventies, after the 'pre-emptive' [cough!] 1967 war and the further expulsion of another 250,000 Palestinians, when the colonisation of the West Bank started the European Left's eyes started to open with regards to Israel's colonial intentions and origins... That's when the Left's anti-Zionism takes roots.

    So forget 'Stalin's "doctor's plot"' or 'Judeo-Bolshevism"' as the real driving forces...

  34. look at that Ibrahim

    your buddy Gert it pompousifying himself again
    - I remember an interview he gave where he announced that he might monetize his website
    - unless he has a gem google hasn't found yet he is still a "between jobs" "Director"

    So Alberto José how does it feel on a day to day basis if one is attractive to losers only?


  35. Lookahere Gertieboy,

    Your "history" is so retarded i just read it aloud to my friends and they started laughing.

    First of all, calling Israel "Naziesque" is straight-up antisemitism. There is no doubt about that and the EU, US, UN, etc. all agree.

    Second, exactly ZERO Arabs were expelled in 1967. That is a complete myth. You cannot cite a single mainstream historian on that because they simply don't exist.

    Third, the conflation of Zionism and capitalism dates from the Doctor's Plot. Read Montefiore-Sebag's books.

    Four, ever heard of Bader-Meinhof? Something called Entebbe? The far Left has a long history of antisemitism and it was particularly resurgent in the 1960s.

    This has nothing to do with true Socialism, which as you know was pioneered by Jews. This is the fool's socialism of the idiots who hate Israel but are silent on Iran, China, Sudan, etc. In other words, people like you.

    Silke, you are SO right about the pomposity on this blog!

  36. Anon
    I think the Left as such gigantic failures that they just have to hate anybody who makes a conducive to human welfare success out of something, especially when they do it without letting themselves get supervised by them nutters.

    BTW the best news I had recently is that somebody in Israel is making good money out of these Vuvuthings. Being into football myself only as a social phenomenon I haven't treated my ears to them as yet but of course from the moment on I read that I switched to considering them to be the greatest invention ever made.


    PS: when Gert Meyers from Bridlington, a blogger who twice in his life managed to inspire comments for his blog, was interviewed he said that a blog has to generate traffic first and only after that may think about money - now look at the blog he lists in his profile and look at the traffic he gets. Enjoy! and please don't put anything there that might attract others.

    But we shouldn't be too hard on GertieBoy - without him who'd be left to admire Ibrahim doing his impersonating gimmicks.

  37. p.s. Oh yeah the 6 day war was not preemptive. Just forget the closure of the Gulf of Aqaba, the mobilization of over 1,000 tanks, the military pact between Syria, Jordan and Egypt, etc. There is not a single serious and objective observer of history that would say based on the evidence that Israel did not have a clear casus belli and acted brilliantly to preempt what would have been a devastating Arab invasion. This sort of revisionist history you peddle is just silly, easily refutable garbage.

  38. just google Pat Buchanan

    Continuing my earlier point, he's at the point on the political spectrum where, moving right, enthusiasm for free markets starts to erode. He's in the Father Coughlin tradition.
    Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism on the right start just about at the same point.

  39. Yitzchak
    In the UK I have come across journalists who are devoted absolutist free market advocates who managed to stay true to the deep deep red where they had passed their years before 1989 and combined both without a hitch - to call them free marketeer Dear Leader fans is probably only slightly exaggerated.

    - I guess that was their way to salvage the things must go worse before they can become better mantra.
    Oh and of course is America the source of all evil for them and can do nothing right, probably not even free market (and before you pass judgment on our European socialism remember that we evolved it from totally different premises - as I am sure you know Bismarck brought the first social security into being to fight off the socialists and institutions once there are extremely hard to get rid off)

    I haven't had a look at that UK-bunch for years but after I had read up on them for months on end and gotten their Weltbild I didn't feel good. Nuttiness comes in all shapes and forms. (No European anti-Americanista is capable of seeing Jews let alone Israelis as normal people)


  40. Sorry, Yitzchak; I got my ideas all mixed up. My wrong. It was the wee hours, and I had been editing a 100,000 word document.

    What I meant to say is that I have an Ibn Yusuf theory of my own. It states that support for Israel is directly proportional to a person's fascistic inclinations.

    Thus, homophobes like John Hagee or Spain's Partido Popular (which campaigned against gay marriage), anti-Gipsy racists like Silvio Berlusconi and Islamophobes like Geert Wilders all join forces to defend Israel, while enlightened intellectuals and politicians are increasingly shunning the country.

    This runs against the notion, popular among Zionists, that Israel is the Jew among the nations and, thus, people who hate minorities in general must also hate Israel.

  41. Ib:

    I don't know why you tolerate these anons, it's gone well beyond freedom of speech, not to mention good taste. I'd be hitting delete now about 8 out of 10 times.

    I'm sure Yitzchak must be pleased with such a pair of obsessive nutcases on the side of zionism.

  42. Fake Ibrahim had to work hard ...

    - I'm so sorry
    - a 100.000 words document
    - WOW
    - may we soon expect a novel from you?
    loaded to the hilt with your fantasies like the one about the real Zionists? Just imagining the honey a good story teller could suck out of that nonsense makes me want to buy it.

    and to think that you could edit that document while only one half of your brain is capable of functioning in the non-world-cup world right now
    - how adorable!

    for once Ibrahim as a success? I think I gotta be patient and wait and see.

    and GertieBaby as usual doesn't get it,

    - tell him, Ibrahim, why you don't hit the delete button, come on, tell him Alberto José Miraya from Rosario, Argentina.

    Besides the real reason why you don't hit the button maybe Gertie will understand that you can't bear to separate from a brunette who looks like a mix between Marylin Monroe and Laureen Bacall.
    Never got near to any of those and that hurts, doesn't it Ibrahim, that hurt so much that you offered one of your compositions just for a picture. Does your wife know to what you seem to be willing to succumb to on the net? And do you know why you never got close to one of us? My guess is because you talk as weird as you write.

    and tell Gertie what you said to Yaacov about his son, tell him

    oh and GertieBaby shouldn't be so impatient I will describe him as I understood him whenever the fancy takes me, slowly and in detail the Mr. "Director" from Belgium between jobs on his way to monetize his website which didn't draw a single comment since June 7 at a time when there is a really hot topic dear to the heart of nutters making the rounds. A loser posturing as a deep thinker and maturing writer who knows how to hit it big moneywise with a website - LOL


  43. What I meant to say is that I have an Ibn Yusuf theory of my own. It states that support for Israel is directly proportional to a person's fascistic inclinations.

    Thus, homophobes . . .

    You got so excited by the prospect of calling Israel "fascist" that you forgot that the actual political spectrum has become a subject of this thread. Let's talk about real fascists. Such people exist. They belong to groups called "Aryan blah blah." They even advocate the eugenics part of the Nazi program, as does David Duke. Show me someone like that, and I'll show you someone who snarls and spits at the mere mention of the Zionist entity.

  44. Funny how no one pays any attention to Sickie, sorry Silke. Wonder why.

    A Noni Mouse

  45. Congrats again Ibrahim

    a buddy of yours is making a serious attempt at being funny - A Noni Mouse - not bad not bad at all

    but you Alberto José and I know better what's going on in the attention getting department don't we - but we won't talk about it, that's our little secret so that it is only for those in on the story to laugh at


  46. Yitzchak

    I am from the country where one had to live with the real Nazis who made a success of their life after the war once again.

    "Ibrahim" is from the country to which lots of those moved who were too dumb to gloss over all the blood on their hands
    - maybe they were friendly with poor little Alberto José Miraya at some time in his life that would explain a lot.

    So he may have knowledge of how the losers of the "Aryan" breed behave (after all a killer who got caught IS a loser) and how to become loved by them but has no sound knowledge of the really successful ones.

    Therefore based on real life experience I claim real life ability to identify a real Nazi wannabe

    - Israe has as yet never come even remotely close to passing that test.

    From a more general view point though "Ibrahim" is up to something i.e. that intellectuals tend to prove once again that they are cowardly enough to weasel up to the party which seems the more promising to them (Heidegger et al)


  47. for Alberto José Miraya junior from Silke

    Günther Netzer - if you don't know who he was make Daddy tell you ...
    and notice what a success the man remained afterwards.

    There is a link to the audio on the site, just in case you want to hear his voice (Netzer is his age and his face notwithstanding one of my male football pin-ups because of what he has between his ears. I especially like how he comes across heavy both on the arrogant and the humbl side in this talk - never one to let himself be pinned down, isn't he?)

  48. sorry to read that they breed those in your country also

    feeling compassion for Alberto's football-brain-half

  49. here's another treat for you, oh Son of wannabe Ibrahim

    ask your father about the history of Bayern München - ask him and after that check google up and down whether he told you the truth!!!
    no matter how much he is a true lover of football that is one subject on which I wouldn't trust him to remain honest


  50. Come on Ibrahim. Do you think it's easy being bipolar and autistic at the same time?

    Why do you think I hang out here? People stopped talking to me long ago.

    I neeeeeed company. Ooooooh I so need attention. Hey, I can crap on for days, months, years. Just watch.


  51. Ibrahim
    tell the Anon 8:32 above that it's a nice try but to have an effect he/she must come up with something better and you know why? - here's why - enjoy!

    the real one this time around and very positively amused
    and don't worry darling, if that 8:32 guy keeps it up I will find another name for myself which you will recognize immediately but hopefully only you and you alone ...

  52. howdy Son of Alberto José

    I have managed to get exclusively for you the full picture of the place where Tel Aviv's Bayern München fans meet to watch the club playing
    - enjoy and start dreaming how nice it might be if you could join them one day (provided the club stays tops of course)

    Do you have hang-outs like that in Rosario or is everybody there as narrowminded as your father's writings seem to suggest.


  53. howdy Ibrahim
    I finally got around to screening your post hoping that you might have inserted some other personal bit about you like the sad fact of having reached only 1,55 m*)

    But back to your post - it gave me definitely the best laugh of the day, you sweety little deluded you claim that you are familiar with the

    "basics of intellectual pursuit."

    Oh my darling, one of these days the hoots of laughter I get out of you will make my neighbours complain to the police.


    *) btw I have always liked short men especially when they have a pronounced belly also because they usually are excellent at valses' left turns - you are into math, you Universalgenie you, so maybe you could confirm that it is because they have a better Umwucht?

  54. Howdy Ibrahim:

    I do resent it when people pretend to be me. I am the one...the only...surely you know that by now?

    Impostors, I can't stand them. In fact, I have a very good lawyer who specialises in identity theft. He owes me big time for some, well, you know, favours way back when. I am sure you know what I mean. Anyway, we are going to track down this so-called Silke impostor lickety-split, I promise you.

    Did I mention that Netanyahu really turns me on?


  55. Rosario sounds nice but I still prefer Tel Aviv, a very open-minded place. One of my favourite landmarks is the Hilton Hotel which is built on top of an old Arab cemetery.

    Did you know I go weak in the knees every time I see a wall?

    The bigger the better.


  56. I just want to apologise to anyone who feels my latest posts are not up to the obnoxious standard I set myself.

    I am such a clever person and I can choose any personna that I want. Today I am smooth-talking, witty and controversial but tomorrow I might be something totally different.

    The important thing is that I continue to set a record for deceptively uninteresting and useless posts (whose true meaning is only clear to you and me Ibrahim).

    How are things in Rosario? Where is Rosario?

    Hey goddamnit, is anyone out there listening to me?!?!?!?!?


  57. WOW

    Just look at the crap I have posted today. It's awesome. Who says quality triumphs over quantity (Jean Paul Sartre, I think, or was it Michel Platini?).

    Come on Ibrahim, you gotta admit that I am king of the comments section.

    King or queen. Or duke. (I have a royalty fetish).

    Yum, yum. Only 1,228,338 trash posts to go before I get into the Guiness World Book of Records. Tortoise and the Hare and all that.

    Got to dash to bi-polar therapy.

    (You never told me where Rosario is)


  58. Ibrahim:

    Back from my biweekly Bi-polar Autistic Schizophrenics That Argue Rubbish Daily (B.A.S.T.A.R.D.) get-together.

    The anti-semitic jerk who runs the session didn't call on me so I threw one of my fits. But they ignored me so I threw another fit until I decided (got that? I decided, not them) to take a deeeeeep breath and count to 783.

    Did you know that anti-semitism can be deduced from the way someone breathes, or the way they smile, or the way he or she skips rope?

    Here is link that proves it:

    Oh yes indeed, anti-semitism is easier to detect than you think.

    And if you say the link doesn't work then your browser is anti-semitic.

    Well as you see, here I am again imagining that I have something interesting to say. Yes I do have something interesting to say, you anti-semitic numbskulls.

    I prove it with every post. Every day.


    PS. Where is Rosario?

  59. Ok, I've had about enough of this.

    Someone respond to my devilishly clever and sophisticated posts.

    That's an order!!!

    (or else I might hint at something clever or nasty that no one has an effin' clue about)

  60. Ok, you've proved your point. But I can always change my name, you fool.


    (the real one)

  61. Just remember Ibrahim if that 8:32 guy keeps it up I will find another name for myself which you will recognize immediately but hopefully only you and you alone ...


  62. ask your father about the history of Bayern München - ask him and after that check google up and down whether he told you the truth!!!
    no matter how much he is a true lover of football that is one subject on which I wouldn't trust him to remain honest

    I had to post this again because it is so witty and wit deserves to be posted ad nauseam.


    (not the fake, obviously)

  63. ask your father about the history of Bayern München - ask him and after that check google up and down whether he told you the truth!!!
    no matter how much he is a true lover of football that is one subject on which I wouldn't trust him to remain honest

    I had to post this again because it is so witty and wit deserves to be posted ad nauseam.


    (not the fake, obviously)

  64. ask your father about the history of Bayern München - ask him and after that check google up and down whether he told you the truth!!!
    no matter how much he is a true lover of football that is one subject on which I wouldn't trust him to remain honest

    I had to post this again because it is so witty and wit deserves to be posted ad nauseam.


    (not the fake, obviously)

  65. Piss off fake Silkes. You are so transparent.


  66. Can someone please tell me what is going on here? Where is the debate?


    not a silke

  67. Very good Ibrahim and very funny. IALSHTMSASAIAHTB!!

    (That’s cyber-code for I Am Laughing So Hard My Sides Are Splitting And I Am Having Trouble Breathing)

    But 2 can play at that game. Just remember that I am a step ahead of you. I have lots of plans up my sleeve because, as I have proved to you many times, I am very, very clever (if you don’t believe me, just re-read all of my posts again and again and again – or just read my posts PLEEEEEEEEZ!)


  68. Chuckleberry HoundJune 17, 2010 at 1:23 PM

    Why would Silke want to hang out 24/7 on a “wannabe blog”, as he describes it? Or is it the only blog left from which he hasn’t been expelled? Chuckleberry Hound

  69. not a silke - some disturbed loser called Silke and his equally disturbed alter-egos appear to be grappling with each other. Fascinating.

    Silke (I’m joking! Or am I?……..)

  70. So I’m disturbed, am I, you anti-semitic Neanderthal?


    (That’s cyber-abbreviation for Go Dive Off The Top Of The Empire State Building Without A Crash Helmet Or A Matress To Land On You Anti-Semitic Moron)


  71. thanks a lot for LOL

    but what is this, such a long pause since the last one, are you already exhausted ??? and that after it took you weeks if not months to come up with anything at all.

    come on you surely can keep it up a bit longer than that and believe Mommie the longer you practice the better you'll get at it.

    btw at first glance it reminded me a bit of these robots in movies when they go into self-destruction mode

    Lots of Love from you know who :-))))))

    and here is my last gift to Grand Master of unintentional funny Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf Alberto José Miraya for today
    ooops - how is that as an example of unintentional wit?


  72. To: Lots of Love from you know who :-))))))

    Love your long fake pause, sweetiepie. As if someone actually employs you or has found use for you. Now there's a thought!!!


    C U Tomorrow.....


  73. just 2 more in the meantime
    a bit weak but what else can one expect from slackers

    it'll be interesting to see over the years, whether it is Ibrahim himself doing it, who incidentally could never muster the courage to come up with a good insult to me or whether he has been making the rounds whining to his buddies - help me help me help me get rid of that terrible woman, please help me!!!!!!

    or maybe it is something totally different a real robot from outer space maybe - little Alberto is really out of luck

    good night for now you little darlings
    Mommie must get some beauty sleep now

  74. Dear Silke:

    I was so happy to be able to bring a brief moment of joy to your life yesterday. You so do love basking in the limelight, don't you!

    But now for the bad news. The reviews were dire and your half-day of fame is officially over.
    Pity, but I’m not worried. It just means you are back to where you started and where you are likely to end - being totally ignored.

    The good news, however, is that despite the best efforts of AIPAC, Mossad, the IDF and, last but not least, the sayanim, Israel is being revealed for what she truly is: a brutal spoiled brat of a nation that is sucking dry the AIPAC Republic back in DC. The hilarious part is that is that a lot of Americans actually think they are getting something out of this relationship. ROTFL!!!!!

    But the polished old gold-digger is beginning to show her age. She can’t beat Hizbollah. She can’t beat Hamas. She is so senile she can no longer even pull off a simple “wet job” in Dubai or a clean act of piracy against an aid ship. You love walls, Silke. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the writing!!! Who wants to hang out with losers?!

    (“By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War”. And it served Israel well for decades. But the deception has become self-deception. We have reached the point where reality itself has become “anti-semitic”.)

    But I digress. Back to your sewer, my sneering little pelotudo. Close the lid behind you, there’s a good boy.

    Over and out.

    Buenos Aires

  75. I am impressed Ibrahim

    this Esteban of yours is capable of writing full sentences and that despite clinging to the delusion of claiming victory where there isn't one even remotely in sight.
    You and I know the choices you've got, little Ibn Yusuf, don't we?

    What a pity your buddies seem to have given up on swamping your comment section with false Silkes already and that after that cute idea made me look forward to trying out all kinds of feints and taunts to outmaneuver that truly smart little ingenuity

    - what a pity!

    - victory to you Ibrahim, I feel deprived of an occasion to play with a to me novel toy and believe me I would have fought on my own, not gone whining to my buddies like a certain Alberto José Miraya obviously did.

    What does your wife think of your ongoing dalliance with that brunette Monroe/Bacall-mix look alike?

    Does she whip you or will you have to pony up another expensive piece of jewellery? Again in New York at that gentleman of a jeweller's place or is now another town the provincial's idea of the big wide world?

    let's see whether my giving up signing my name will incentivize you and yours to another howl of triumph

  76. finally finally I've found a gem worthy of you Alberto Ibrahim José Ibn Miraya Yusuf


  77. Good evening my one and only darling Ibrahim

    - finally I get around saying good night to you and what do I find, no fake Silke posts, no mischief whatsoever, have they abandonned you already? or if you did it all by yourself did you miss the potentials of your little gimmickry?

    Talking of your buddies Gertiebaby has a new post up working hard at the monetizing of his blog. Maybe doing that exhausted him so much, he couldn't come around and lend you a hand. I have been told that creating has that effect on real he-men. So please be nice with him during his recovery phase.

    I hope you weren't getting afraid that I might have forgotten you, I wouldn't do that and you know it, don't you my adorable little sweety pie.
    - but today was such a slow day except for my morning gift to you nothing exciting has come my way

    - I am especially sorry because I feel sure your son has been looking forward to more - tell him I'll send him any link that might amuse him but alas today nothing came my way.

    to make some kind of amends I have here what we call a Betthupferl for you, again with my apologies that it doesn't sound as good as on CD but you being an artist can certainly correct that by employing imagination. It may not be good enough to create plausible characters but for a piece of music it should suffice.

    oh and I almost forgot that I wanted to send you this one to pass along to your wife, I think she will very much enjoy to hear what your friends have in store for her - it may be useful for you also in case you ever decide to go for the "big satan" but that's the kind of courage that's hard to muster isn't it my dear little cutie guy - but I trust just listening to one being on the same mental wave length than you are will help you to feel less alone.
    In case I already send that to you I ask your forgiveness the sorrow you inflicted on me with your little naughtiness can easily cause forgetfulness.

    but now I must go and get my beauty sleep - we brunettes don't look well in the morning if we haven't had enough of it

    have a nice shabbath
    à toute à l'heure mon petit chou

    yours forever Lauren Monroe

  78. below for you dear Ibrahim an example of how a master of the dirty trade you try your hand in goes at it
    - read the filth, admire its stink, close this website, go back to your desk and practice writing for another 10 or 20 or 30 years day in day out and after that maybe maybe you'll have acquired a mastery just about sufficient to give it another try


    "ntoxicated mentally by the messianic dream of a Greater Israel which will finally achieve the expansionist dreams of the most radical Zionism; contaminated by the monstrous and rooted 'certitude' that in this catastrophic and absurd world there exists a people chosen by God and that, consequently, all the actions of an obsessive, psychological and pathologically exclusivist racism are justified; educated and trained in the idea that any suffering that has been inflicted, or is being inflicted, or will be inflicted on everyone else, especially the Palestinians, will always be inferior to that which they themselves suffered in the Holocaust, the Jews endlessly scratch their own wound to keep it bleeding, to make it incurable, and they show it to the world as if it were a banner. Israel seizes hold of the terrible words of God in Deuteronomy: 'Vengeance is mine, and I will be repaid.' Israel wants all of us to feel guilty, directly or indirectly, for the horrors of the Holocaust; Israel wants us to renounce the most elemental critical judgment and for us to transform ourselves into a docile echo of its will."

  79. sorry Ibrahim
    nothing special came my way this morning but thinking of you made me remember this
    - OK you never(?) claimed an Italian background but you are mediterranean so that's the best I could come up with.

    BTW the singer turned out to become quite an impressive serious (theatre) actress
    - if she could do it, surely there is still hope for Alberto José Miraya, the short story champion

    love from the last (?) of your fans

  80. Good evening, Ibrahim
    I am glad to notice that all is quiet around here
    - no new post - no fake Silkes
    - I'd really appreciate it if it'd stay that way

    Before I am off to bed here is a nice something for your son



  81. Just look at what the clown Aznar is saying:

    Fuck off Aznar you neo-con stooge!

  82. Ibrahim
    tell your latest Anon that he is so slow he is only good for a yawn as that Aznar piece is such news from way back then

    and really if you let your naughties troll around here again I'll have to make another effort
    you know that darling don't you?

    (she is said btw to have eventually become a very successful business woman)

  83. Aznar is a really strange man: of the Madrid bombings by al-Qaeda he claimed (and maintained for a long time) that the attacks were the handiwork of ETA, not Islamists. That position led to his political demise.

    Now he comes up with this corker...

    Interesting names on that 'Friends for [sic?] Israel' panel: John Bolton and Fiamma Nirenstein. Mad Mel Phlips and Pamela Geller Oshry: eat yer hearts out!!!

    Thanks for the tip, I might post on that.

  84. Gert, I quite agree with your consternation at Ibrahim's allowing this silke person's inane babbling. It does make it difficult to follow the serious aspects of the conversation, with so much blather.

    Oh well.

    p.s. - Oddly enough I agree with Yitzchak to a very small extent. The word "apolgize" usually refers to a statement of regret as in an apology, but I suppose it could be used as a cognate for an apologia, which is how Ibrahim obviously meant it here.

  85. Greg:

    My guess is that he's just allowing them to show off their own stupidity (apart from the contents, who wants to stalk a blog day and night and post links that no one will ever click on?) but we've had so many samples of that, that really no more are required.

  86. Interesting, Greg. What would you say the verb for "making an apologia" is?

    As for Silke and other anonyms, they constitute an interesting case study about how Zionists try to muzzly criticism of Israel. Also, Esteban's parody of her was extremely amusing, don't you think?

  87. Gert, at least Silke livens the place up. You should beg her to start polluting your blog. What, you just want an echo chamber for you anti-semitic conspiracy theories?

  88. "Ibrahim"

    so with your buddies around you you dare to come out and be naughty - on top of everything else you are a coward
    but what amazes me most is how interesting I am to these guys and to you
    - how you seem to notice my every move
    - amazing - kind of sick actually.
    maybe I should try my hand at short story writing, after I have been such a success around here, who knows ...

    BTW shall we, i.e. you Alberto and I, tell your wife that you wanted to establish an e-mail tête à tête with me??? Shall we, or is she used to you going on prowling the net for such a purpose?

    Also why do you lie to your buddies so cowardly ?
    - tell them why you don't tell them the real reason you don't ban me, come on tell them !

    - it's the same reason why you chose not to insult me properly isn't it you little cutie you

    oh and by no means miss Gertiebabies new post - it is so interesting with its exposure of his tiny bits of part knowledge but maybe it helps to develop his web presence and monetize his blog so he can stop being between jobs and may call himself "Director" again with or without Belgium.

    Pompous types seem prone to the most peculiar errors


  89. Ibrahim: "What would you say the verb for "making an apologia" is?"

    I am not sure that there is a proper word for it, other than "make an apologia for" or perhaps "defend", as far as I know, but I am not really an expert on these matters.

    And yes, Estaban pegged her (silke) quite well.

  90. Hi Ibrahim
    don't get anxious or feel neglected - no need for it ...

    I'll get around to you and your crowd of yelping puppies asa I'll have attended to some more mundane pleasures life provides me with.

    Here's one for you to help you pass the time: Go to

    "The Birthday of the Infanta"

    and enjoy!

    maybe if I feel generous and you are behaving graciously I may be willing to talk with you about it - but no private e-mails, darling, as you know I don't do cyber shmoozing.


  91. News News News

    Gertiebaby got two takers, not for his latest post but one each for the two earlier - congrats Gertie, I wonder whether they noticed you because you have endeared yourself so mucht o me.

    both seems like really decent guys by my book

    - I've tagged their websites so I have even more buddies I can call on if I should ever feel that Fake Ibrahim and his bunch of yelping puppy look-alike supporters get too much for me to handle.

    what do you think Ibrahim should I chose cucumber or tomatoe?


    PS: interesting that Gert the Director who wants to develop your web presence for you doesn't know how "stalking" is done in this time and age ... but maybe his is the future ;-)))))

  92. Silke, I know you're addicted to commenting on this blog because it's so damn easy to bash BUT do you realize that you're pumping up the value of advertising on this blog thereby lining Alberto Miyara's pockets? There are plenty of idiotic antisemites on the Internet so i suggest spreading your contempt among them more equitably.

  93. Alberto Darling

    your latest Anon tells me there's advertising on your blog? - pray where is it?


  94. That may have been Esteban making fun of you yet once more, Silke.

  95. Oh Alberto Darling you are talking to me
    - I am ululating - what a gratification

    Esteban and Fun though ...
    - Fun is Fun and Esteban is Esteban and never the twain shall meet - it's by Kipling I think or do you know better?
    but I mustn't be so harsh, un-nimbleness between the ears must be kind of painful and I should take less pleasure in watching them


  96. Silke + Alberto = the Internet.

    With enemies like these Israel doesn't need friends.

  97. Alberto Darling
    tell your admirers that they should google Dada and study - long and hard - after some years they may, just may have a vague idea of how to be not pathetic

    Dada might be a technique I would have to think a while

    here is a truly divine singing Schumann- enjoy!


  98. here is your Betthupferl for today
    the real attraction takes a while to show up so be patient you won't be disappointed



  99. as everything around here was today like it should be I offer today's Betthupferl again something for

    Alberto José Miraya jun

    who, I hope, can understand the feelings of the son in the story

    Firas Press quotes the Jordanian Addustour newspaper about a soccer fan who asked to stay in prison for the duration of the World Cup.

    Apparently, the tournament is being shown for free in Jordan's prisons, and he would have to pay to see it on the outside.

    He asked his father not to do anything to help get him out of jail for the duration.

  100. Fascists,eh?

    Now that you have stablished that Israel is guilty as charged, Ibrahim, I assume you thought of a solution?

    I am sincerely eager to hear it, particularly from someone with a clear conscience and such high moral principles as you.

    Let's hear it.

  101. Silke

    What is this mess? Is that you?

  102. Fake Ibrahim you naughty naughty boy

    why haven't you answered Sylvia, politely and intelligently and reverently as is her due?

    it seems quite some hours ago that she has asked you a question and you have nothing to say, being again the coward, being only outspoken when your yelping puppy-ish admirers chime in and support you?

    I had something really nice for you to reward you and your son for posting no-silly-Esteban-gimmicks - but after your being impolite to Sylvia your Betthupferl for today is this:

    but of course Gertiebaby will advise you on how to be the one exception. (Gertiebaby has a post with what qualifies by his standards as a lively discussion) it seems monetizing his blog and stopping to be a Director from Belgium "between jobs" is becoming a distinct possibility.


    PS for Sylvia: - great comment - I agree as I feel sure you knew I would

  103. Hi Sylvia
    saw your 2nd comment only now

    - yes that is me but there are a lot of fake Silkes on the thread also
    - it was an attempt of Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf, Alberto José Miraya math teacher from Rosario and his buddies to get me tired of keeping them from having one of their "serious" discussions.

    I don't mind playing the fool around here as long as it keeps them from getting cozy again at this place pontificating on their looney theories.

    IMO this place needs drying up and as I have watched Yitzchak Goodman doing it again and again the (excellent) intellectual way with them yelping only all the harder I have decided to try the "female" way.

    I remain, however, still the person you hopefully know as serious from elsewhere.


  104. It's hilarious. Silke desperately tries to leave the impression he is blackmailing Ibrahim but no one gives a s**t. Then he dreams up a fight with other Silkes (who he claims are false) and now he posts under the name of Sylvia. Great material for the case study of a compulsive and unstable attention-seeker.

  105. oh Alberto José, my sweet short little darling,
    so you and yours have opted for nasty again ...

    Did you cry for help again or did the last screaming nutter show up all on his/her own only fuelled by what he/she had imbibed?

    BTW where is your buddy Greg? I miss him, he is such an accomplished whiner. Make him show up again please, after all I deserve a bit of extra fun for what I do for you (I see Gertiebaby getting greener with envy by the minute at all the traffic I draw for you)

    On the other hand I feel so sorry for you, who needs foes who has friends like your two last anons - and oh how well educated and informed they are - congrats galore.

    btw I am sure you know as I do that in psycho 101 they teach about projection - and I am sure you recognize it when you encounter it just as I do

    if only this would apply to you also

  106. Silke

    In my humble opinion, what you're doing here is pointless. I've been on his other (Spanish) site which is totally desert since last February. That will be the fate of this site once you stop posting.

    It doesn't look like Ibrahim is going to answer my question. He is being prudent.

    Beside, on second thought, no South-American settler, whose country's bloody history is only coups d'etat, dictatorships, wife-inherited presidencies, harsh and cruel colonization, decimation of entire indigenous tribes, and enduring and ongoing oppression of the natives, has any lesson to teach anyone.

  107. Sylvia
    it probably is pointless because Ibrahim is one of so many ...

    - but whenever I slow down or stop his buddies are back and traffic increases- before I started my "blathering", comments were doing way too well on this blog probably due to the fact that Ibrahim has a knack for pithy headlines which hit the nerve of the so inclined.

    maybe the fact that his Spanish site stopped had something to do with his advances to Yaacov for their mutual blog and the subsequent intervention of people from Rosario
    - I haven't looked at the time line yet.

    and as long as whining Greg writes this I think it is right for me to keep on learning of how to spoil their "fun" by having some myself

    "It does make it difficult to follow the serious aspects of the conversation, with so much blather."


  108. Ibrahim
    tell your latest superlatively smart admirer that we, you and I, are readers i.e. from the vanishing breed of people who are able to read a text in its entirety understand it and then report it in our own words - that you my darling opt for distorting it beyond recognition makes you even more despicable than the moronic fact collectors who admire you so much but it doesn't turn you into somebody from the non-reading crowd.

    Oh and also tell your latest admirer that I will be serving up the tidbits I have been told about Albert José Miraya wannabe Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf from Rosario whenever I feel like it.

    Just one little complaint right now my sweet little darling why don't you tell me what your wife thinks of your attempt to enter a chambre séparée with me?

    oh and in here you find something a bit funny about short guys

  109. here is another Chambre séparée for you
    who do you think is more enticing?
    I vote for the oldie and you?


  110. "Oh and also tell your latest admirer that I will be serving up the tidbits I have been told about Albert José Miraya wannabe Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf from Rosario whenever I feel like it."

    Oh how disappointing. Now it's "tidbits I HAVE BEEN TOLD", is it? From who, shithead? Your cowardly zionist gangster-buddies? What half-baked re-cycled trash are you referring to? Out with it! Enough of your totaly boring innuendo, jackass. If you had anything to impress us with, you'd have done it by now, loser.

    "Whenever I feel like it..." Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! You couldn't blackmail a naughty 3 year-old, you wimp.

  111. Ibrahim you little cutie Mr. Miraya wood-engineer turned math-teacher you

    did you consider yourself to be smart when you created your last anon, but again you Mr. 3-book-short-story-writer are a bit weak on character creation (have you self-published or where are the books - I am sure some of your Spanish speaking admirers would like to read what your dreams are

    In my overwhelming kindness I have just remembered that I have been told that there is a book by (best-selling author) Elizabeth George where she goes on and on and on about how to do character creation (she thinks it is of supreme importance I don't) - maybe you should read it - just screaming incontinently (pun intended) teppich-fresser-style doesn't create a viable impostor

    all I've got to say to that is PLEASE!!!

    thanking you for a bit of morning fun I remain yours faithful Silke

  112. Now I get it! You imagined you were back in the West Bank stepping on the neck and toying with the life of some poor little 12-year old Palestinian rock thrower whose family you threw off their land. Unfortunately this is the internet, loser, a level playing field (ever heard of such a thing?) Neither your undeclared 200 nuclear warheads, nor the trough endless of American military aid from which you pig yourself, nor the kidons, nor the sayanim, nor the IDF’s crack Humanitarian Flotilla regiment can save you. You are at the mercy of wit, intelligence and truth which puts you at an extreme disadvantage, to be charitable.

    So once again, cowardly shithead, the people demand to know: what is your great re-cycled 5th-hand rumour about Ibrahim? And if it’s stuff that you heard (ooooooooooh!!!) then no doubt it’s already doing the rounds on the internet so publish and be damned, Zio-wimp!

  113. Fake Ibrahim sweetie

    screaming like that on the top of your keyboard voice is bad for your blood pressure - likely to make your hands tremble and thus unfit for Schumann
    you surely must be able to do better than that, don't go on disappointing Mommie by showing such dreadful lack of creativity.

    and if it isn't you yourself don't you think the anon is a bit obnoxious and nosy and bad mannered demanding to know all about your and mine sweet little secret?

    and on top of it all isn't he demolishing your claim to be not an anti-semite with every post he/she comes up with?

    and ... and ... and ...

    If you consider yourself not to be worth of better company then I think it is time you should ask for psycho-help to give you back a bit of self-esteem

    why not instead take a trip and participate in this

    maybe it's a chance for the true you to be discovered ...
    besides it gives you a chance to buy another piece of expensive jewellery for your wife at a gentleman's shop - I'm sure she deserves it after what you have been up to lately.


  114. Lovely jubbly. Silke has made this place about as unreadable as Asad abu Khalil's blog before he removed the comments. Of course the sole anonymous guy picking an easy fight with her isn't helping.

    It's Ibrahim's business, but I don't consider her a troll anymore. She's a spammer, no less than some online poker ad.

  115. Andrew,

    The main purpose of this blog is to have refutations ready for when the Zios peddle their Hasbara. I'm proud that some of my articles are now being quoted to rebutt long-standing Zionist lies like that no Jew can be a citizen of Jordan.

    Of course I like it when lively debates arise, but for the time being I don't think Silke's interference is spoiling those debates to such an extent as to merit censorship. While I'm not a free-speech fundamentalist (I don't think PRIVATE citizens have any duty to grant others a venue to publish their ideas, or lack thereof), I prefer to make the exceptions when they're worth it.

  116. Ibrahim
    did you see this? dumb question of course you saw it, but finally somebody who understands what a sucker for compliments I am ;-)))))

    to show my gratitude here is a lovely one for your son
    Alberto José Miraya jun.

    just in case the combination of 1966 and Pickles means something to you and oh what a death for that dog, sad but in great style


  117. (The story so far: the Zio-prick called Silke fooled himself into thinking he could call the shots but now he is cornered like a shaking rat. He has been repeatedly challenged to reveal his “secret” about Ibrahim and every time he comes up empty-handed.)

    Why are you afraid of playing your trump card, coward Silke? Come on, you enjoy total anonymity on this blog. What are you afraid of, shithead? Who is going to sue you, vermin? Or are you scared that your 5th-hand “revelations” will be greeted with howls of laughter?

  118. Oh my poor poor mistreated Ibrahim,

    I feel so sorry for you for that screaming TeppichFresser of an Anon you have attracted.

    How humiliating it must be for you to have an admirer who thinks you are a man of just ONE secret. I think that is really an insult to the composer, the author and the interpreter of Schumann Alberto José Miraya.

    It makes me really worry that anybody and an admirer to boot can imagine you as lacking so much in complexity. (on the other hand as an author you must keep up practicing a bit, so that next time around another little character constructed by you doesn't blow up into your face quite so fast. It makes you look too much like a loser, links in other blogs notwithstanding)

    And then compare his denigration of you to the generous compliment he pays me. I am sure you can imagine how flattered and honoured I feel to be considered male and called a prick
    - das geht mir runter wie Öl
    - though I would have preferred something more posh like "spiky acid-tipped dick"
    - which has the huge advantage that he might have inserted Zio several times instead of just once

    and Ibrahim before you start thinking that maybe I have a gender-minority-complex
    - in school I out-mathed all the guys without even trying. They didn't mind btw but kept competing who was to carry my books for me ;-)
    and now I am struck with this affliction of seeing you as Winnetou-look-alike
    - life is strange don't you think so?
    here's my gift to sooth you over having gotten smeared by that Anon
    (note especially the line that includes "aspire")


  119. oh Ibrahim
    since we are into double posts now for whatever reason

    how did your son like Pickles Herrchen telling stories about that dog and his World Cup Fame and Death?


  120. hello Alberto, since it is Shabbat ...
    do you know these?
    (I guess you know what Glenn Gould said of Mozart and ... - no I won't elaborate I am sure you much prefer to talk with your screaming buddies about deeply cared for things like that
    - and tell your latest Anon that this for example is one of the "dirty" little secrets we share)


  121. Another great post H.B.
    Didn't you know that God commanded the Zios to be a holy people ,not a moral people?
    Murder, theft and justifying the unjustifable is now the norm for the zionist colonialist. For over 2000 years there was no deviation from Havlaga until the zios built a artificial country and called it Israel.

    PS. sulke, you should substitute the i for a u, so as to change your name, to match your manner .


  122. congrats Ibrahim to having acquired "mike" ... you certainly attract deep thinkers

    - no wonder you sucked up to Yaacov where you stood a chance of meeting (and hopefully attracting) some who share your own true loves (no irony intended those of us, who do it honestly, are not very common and seem to be able to breathe more freely whenever we are lucky). But as you also have a one-track-mind set on "defeating" you blew it
    - another failure, not only for Ibrahim the blogger, but for Ibrahim the author and the composer, i.e. the creative also. Alias blown within what time? was it even months? that's what I call, by my standards, a crushing defeat. Back to the drudge of hoping to be linked here or there every now and then.

    As to your new to me commenter, brilliant word-player he is that "mike"
    - here is a translation for sulk - interesting especially since there are so many much more enticing associations one can come up with, but since we have sulk let's go with that
    - they
    suggest the translation "schmollen" and that suggests to me the intriguing image of "SchmollMund" which may help you dear Ibrahim next time you feel like a both-hander. And don't forget, as to politics you may find her interesting also.

    so say thank you to "mike" for having inspired me ;-)))


  123. Howdy, Son of Ibrahim/Alberto

    as today I'll probably have the park and all the ducks to myself I'm feeling generous and so here are two for


    (both make me chuckle and feel better about being one of those ridiculous humans myself - I hope they'll hold the same message for you)


  124. Actually, Silke, I think that "Mike" is rather bright. And honest too. He nailed in one single sentence the one single reason for this rabid hatred for Israel:
    "For over 2000 years there was no deviation from Havlaga until the zios built a artificial country and called it Israel."

    What he is saying in essence, is that for 2000 years, the Jews didn't deviate from their role as a silent punching bag, and then came the Zionists who not only built a country (haven't they heard of the wandering Jew?) but have the nerve to defend their Jewish selves. And that, Silke, is the unacceptable that's causing them all to foam in the mouth at the mere mention of Israel.


    Thanks, "Mike". Keep'em coming.

  125. Good Morning, Sylvia,
    maybe "Mike" is Ibrahim - to me it seems like he is doing his own anons now - to date I've found them all rather pathetic but one never knows I'll keep watching him. After all he has 3 books of short stories to his name and does his own compositions (for piano?) so he should be capable of imagination just a wee bit.

    The calm around here is probably due to the fact that Ibrahim is football crazy. It is the sole endearing fact I've learnt out about him so far. Endearing because in that field he writes with the respect, good manners and nuance worthy of the "brillant" person he so desperately wants to be taken for that he deludes himself into believing that this Gert (link below - "enjoy") is a somebody (or that he could fool Yaacov any length of time - what a debacle for a writer of fiction:-)
    Gert has one of "those" blogs also but things there seem to be so quiet that I think it isn't worth coming up with something - after all I don't want to help them attract traffic.

    Germany and Argentina (what a combination) will meet only on Saturday so Alberto should be pre-occupied at least until then. BTW I believe him to be so much of a real lover of that game that he will continue to be enthralled even if Germany should win.
    the most endearing comment of a desperate Brit yesterday was THE PUB THE PUB THE PUB


  126. Poor little f****r, silke. You were hanging around all weekend waiting for me, weren’t you. Sorry, puny loser, but unlike you, I have a life beyond blogs.

    Or did you think you frightened me with your playground “anti-semitism” hysterics? Well here are a few facts for you. Those of us lucky enough to live outside of the United States don’t panic or even wobble when someone shrieks “anti-semite, anti-semite!!”. You see silke, not all countries are controlled by AIPAC. Imagine that.

    But I digress. The fact is, jackass, you’ve had plenty of time to reveal your “damaging secret/(s)” about Ibrahim but it’s all mouth and no trousers, isn’t it? It’s just like the Richard Perle bluff. Remember how everyone waited for him to sue Sy Hersh for inconvenient revelations about his corruption when suddenly……nothing happened? Sorry, you probably have no idea what I am talking about, so time-consuming is your cross-dressing or gender-swapping or whatever the f**k it is you do to amuse yourself when you’re not trying to sound as if you have dirt on someone.

    Hey I am loving this, loser! Believe me I am. Come on shithead – prove me wrong. Prove to us you aren’t a zio-coward. Impress us with those “secret/(s)”, big boy.

    Ha ha ha ha ha.

  127. oh my poor Ibrahim

    what kind of company do you keep ...
    I do appreciate though that he/she seems to be so concerned about me getting the kind of life he/she wants for me - just like any good nanny would ...

    just in case that anon isn't yourself, don't you think the guy/gal is a bit nosy? always trying to pry into deeply private matters when all he/she has to do is a bit of reading but maybe that's one of the many things where he/she is a bit challenged.

    To show you that I harbour no ill feelings towards you for having acquired yourself that screamer here is a find from today, I haven't read it and I will not but since it comes from a corner where you might not show up during the world cup - enjoy!


  128. There is no need for the zios to maintain 'Havalaga' since they now practice 'pre-emptive'.

    Silke are you one of those tuffies who are brave, abusive and rude from the safty of a computer. But when you walk down the street for your morning paper you are jumping at shadows, afraid to look anyone in the eye. But then again by the amount of time you spend abusing HB you must get your paper delivered as you have ,after a life long search, found a place where you can show the world how brave you are by taking on the antisemites.

  129. Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf Wannabe

    tell your anons that I would find them a lot less amusing if they could come up with something even vaguely original or inventive

    veiled threats of physical violence, accusations of physical cowardice from an anon to an anon
    maybe I should start sending ideas based on that to comedians - if the absurdity of it would appeal to them I might even make money out of it.

    but no, sadly there are also those whining overtones which don't spoil the fun for me (quite the contrary they make me hoot with glee) but make them less suitable for public use.

    as to "abusing" you my poor litte Ibrahim, in my book I am indulging myself to a bit of harmless fun at your expense and you know why I feel you deserve anything I chose to come up with, don't you? In case you don't remember: the key word is "son" and a further hint is it's not yours, somebody else's. (contrary to your habits I have treated your son with all the respect an innocent deserves)

    do you realize that I would have switched to respecting the peace of the World Cup long ago if you hadn't begged your anons to try their luck? Bad Bustering strategy on top of everything - after all I might have lost interest ;-)


    PS: have you noticed that Gertiebaby has a post up where he quotes a full article - I've been told that that counts as bad manners in blogger circles, very few exceptions permissible. But that Gertie isn't quite fit for polite company I have noticed long ago. I only tell you to warn you, one day he may grab one of your pieces because he obviously doesn't have the same knack for chosing good Google words like for example "masturbation" - that was one of your masterstrokes, wasn't it Ibrahim - should have brought you lots of traffic.

  130. Poor deluded Zio-shit Silke. Well and truly stuck in his private Afghanistan. It all looked so perfect on paper – a bit of blackmail here, an allegation of anti-semitism there, plus repeated salvoes of ad hominem and presto, HB would crumble.

    “do you realize that I would have switched to respecting the peace of the World Cup long ago if you hadn't begged your anons to try their luck? Bad Bustering strategy on top of everything - after all I might have lost interest ;-)”

    Ha ha, nice try loser. The truth is you are without an exit strategy. Cold, hungry and abandoned, you cannot leave HB because that would be an admission of defeat. Your only front-line comfort is the love correspondence from co-Zio-troll “Sylvia”. They will make such a beautiful movie about this love affair one day: “When Zio-Coward Met Zio-Troll”.

    I already have the opening scene figured out: Zio-Troll swoons as Zio-Coward (backed up by a platoon of IDF thugs) screams “We are victims!” as he smashes his IDF rifle butt again and again into the faces of disgusting Palestinians who continue to occupy God-given Zionist settler land.

  131. Chuckleberry HoundJune 29, 2010 at 8:11 AM


    You seem to imply that Ibrahim has a son but is not the biological father. Even if this were the case, so what? I cannot see the relevance to the original discussion. Could you please explain it to me?

    As for the veiled threats of physical violence against you, I have seen none but perhaps you will be good enough to provide an example.

    You are correct about the accusations of physical cowardice but you appear to have invited the abuse with your ad hominem attacks on Ibrahim. What goes around comes around I’m afraid.

    Finally you say Ibrahim is a wannabe blogger. He isn’t. He is a blogger, albeit not a popular one but then again, I don't think he is seeking fame, only debate. Moreover, it is foolish to associate the quality of an opinion with its popularity. The foreign affairs and opinion pages on the NYT website receive infinitely more internet traffic than HB yet wasn’t it “opinion-makers” like Judith Miller who assured us that Saddam Hussein had WMD? Would you have more respect for HB were it an echo chamber for mainstream herd reporting on the Middle East?


  132. wow Ibrahim congrats

    that Chuckleberry Hound may be totally ignorant but I like his admonishing style, know nothing about you or anything at all

    Therefore I guess he must be a teacher, they are the people who tend to get a lot wrong because they are challenged when it comes to data storage via imbibing text
    - come to think of it didn't Greg who misses the serious discussions around here so much mention that he was a teacher also, you Alberto are a teacher, maybe this is a teachers' union then, only Gertiebaby is different, he is a Director between Jobs about to monetize his website.

    as a commiserator CH has his merits also, even agrees with me that you are to be pitied for the buddies you attract.

    if you have any kind of sense of humour left, enjoy this one. I of course am especially delighted because The Muslim War Council takes place in a Bunker. If you don't get I explain this German specialty to you.


  133. Chuckleberry HoundJune 29, 2010 at 8:30 AM

    "that Chuckleberry Hound may be totally ignorant but I like his admonishing style, know nothing about you or anything at all"

    I presume you refer to my comment that Ibrahim doesn't seek fame. I could be wrong but can you prove it?

    And why the abuse Silke? Are you capable of commenting without abuse?

  134. Chuckleberry Hound:

    I'm afraid that Silke and various other anons are but a few trolls that seem to hang out here night and day. Ibrahim tolerates them for reasons explained somewhere higher up, if you can find it among the spam, nonsense and other inanities. Someone's definitely got a lot of time on their hands, that much is clear.

  135. Ibrahim:

    your buddies just don't get how exclusively devoted to you I am, why else do they keep barging in again and again and don't leave us alone so we can get around to talking serious stuff.

    but as one of your latest pontificators thinks he can outfunny Mark Twain maybe you like to point him to the quote below.

    As you know by now I don't dig it when small minds get their dirty fingers on the divine. And I feel very confident that the one thing we, you and I, have in common is reverence for the divine!

    PS: Gertie the man between jobs has no time on his hands, oh no, not he ;-)))))))

    "The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then . . . passed away. The Greek and the Roman followed. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts. … All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"

  136. Chuckleberry HoundJune 29, 2010 at 9:12 AM


    I guess you are right. It should be obvious by now that if Ibrahim had anything to hide, he'd have banned Silke a long time ago.


  137. Fake Ibrahim Darling

    these nosy parker buddies you have apply about the strangest logic I've ever seen
    (but you'll forgive me for that darling won't you, after all I am kind of out of my depth here as I never before spent quality time in such illustrious company)
    - so it seems to me that your buddies are people who hadn't even the most rudimentary training in straight thinking and never felt the need to make up for that on themselves.

    - first question why are they so hung up on secrets when all is so obvious?
    - second question if there are secrets why do they want them to be out in the open? Do they hate you? isn't it the nature of true secrets that they are best be kept secret? why else would one call them secrets?
    - third question: let's assume for a moment that there were secret secrets what makes them assume that this is the only suitable and/or available place to "unveil" them?

    but there is one compliment I must make them, after they had become almost (but only almost) mind-numbingly boring in the end I got my reward by being privileged to get another close look into truly warped minds.


  138. Chuckleberry Hound:

    "It should be obvious by now that if Ibrahim had anything to hide,"

    He hasn't, and it's not a 'secret' but the cretins remain fascinated by it. I'd be hitting the 'Delete' button now 8 out of 10 times: save google some badnwidth...

  139. Howdy Alberto,

    I feel rather proud of myself today for all that anti-Zio-Energy I have been able to zap? You do remember that Gertiebaby wanted to zap mine, don't you? - well, I at least have never tortured my brain with the question of whether there is a secret or not so the energy-zap-balance should be all in my favour.

    some idiot a long time ago told me that Goethe wrote the poem because he had gotten himself infected - as if that true or not would be of any importance


  140. As someone suggested above, I'm devoting my free time to watching soccer. I'm an Argentinian first, a blogger next.

    Fresh Zio-bashing to come soon, though.

  141. soccer!!!!!!!! Ibrahim soccer???????

    you sucker-up to American imperialism, so that's what you are after, becoming their favourite minion
    - everlasting shame on you!!!
    look here they still need the Brits to teach them something

    who do such wonderful writing jobs like this one - thereby drawing even a total ignoramus like me into the drama of it all
    - btw in the teaser to that article we were called Huns, I sincerely hope we'll prove to be just that on Saturday running like their little sturdy ponies are said to have run while shooting from the saddle so to speak
    - btw has anybody begun to apologize to Maradona? I remember you intimated at some unfriendly feelings over at Yaacov's when you talked to Sergio about him.

    and who was the one who "suggested" (your choice of words is quite often really something) that you were football-pre-occupied it was me, the only one of your followers who understands you, who feels for you and who never ever believes that you "explained your reasons" truthfully. Do you realize that I am the only one around here capable of real passion and therefore of feeling other people's passions.

    "Ibrahim tolerates them for reasons explained somewhere higher up" - LOL!!!!!

    have you noticed that your darling buddies comment during games and they never ever explained that blasphemious behaviour to you as I did in all humility over and over again?

    they are all pompous nullities and it is your choice to pal around with them - if there is a God of football up on Mount Olympus he is shaking his head in sorrow at your misguided ways.

    (btw could it be that you get your pathetic busting ideas from ... oh no I won't tell, I'll just wait and see whether you aren't even capable of having your own ideas when it comes to that - teacher, mmmh? yeah always make sure you stay within the curriculum)


  142. world cup or not Ibrahim I must alert you to this (and hopefully send your buddies scurrying all over the place in their best yelping puppy mode)

    the "Israel Lobby" is at it again and from everything I read, if she shouldn't get confirmed (which right now nobody expects but one never knows) she will become a TV-star in her own right (and all the pundits all that time have been complaining about her having such low profile, it seems sometimes "shrinking violets" just need the right platform and a great smile to get a chance at becoming everybody's darling)

    - beware ;-))))))


    Kagan: I admire Barak because I'm Jewish
    Shmuel Rosner
    Heute um 07:32 Uhr
    Kagan on Israeli justice aharon Barak:

    SENATOR GRASSLEY: Will you look to Judge Barak's judicial method as a model for deciding cases?

    SOLICITOR GENERAL KAGAN: I will not, Senator Grassley. I do admire Justice Barak, who was, of course - was for many years the chief justice of the state of Israel. I do admire him. He is very often called the John Marshall of the state of Israel because he was central in creating an independent judiciary for Israel and in ensuring that Israel - a young nation, a nation threatened from its very beginning in existential ways and a nation without a written constitution - he was central in ensuring that Israel, with all those kinds of liabilities would become a very strong rule of law nation. And that's why I admire Justice Barak. Not for his particular judicial philosophy, not for any of his particular decisions. As you know, I don't think it's a secret I am Jewish. The state of Israel has meant a lot to me and my family. And - and I admire Justice Barak for what he's done for the state of Israel and ensuring an independent judiciary.

    The video is here (thanks, NJDC).

  143. just in case Google Translation is up to it, here is a really nice "referee mistake" busting piece which I think you won't miss ... kind of one buster to the other


  144. Ibrahim,

    As someone suggested above, I'm devoting my free time to watching soccer. I'm an Argentinian first, a blogger next.

    Fresh Zio-bashing to come soon, though.

    Don't rush dude, as much as I enjoy reading your blog, I enjoy watching the Argentine soccer team more. Inshallah, they'll continue to win (next game - Germany), and you can put off hasbara busting, for a little while longer.

    Oh BTW - if Messi, can score a few goals, you may have to change your ID to say that you are "from Rosario -the home of THE Lionel Messi", instead of that Che dude.
    que viva Argentina
    al-mawt almania

  145. Hello Gert:

    I am one of the "cretins" you referred to but I am not offended. Your reaction is totally reasonable. The whole act was designed to expose the arch Zio-troll and I daresay I succeeded. Just look how he panicked:

    He claimed he was threatened with physical violence.

    He claimed that I am an anti-semite.

    He claimed he had dirt on Ibrahim.

    Like a true Zio-nobody, he provided no proof for any of these allegations but I wanted the lack of proof in black and white, if you see what I mean.

    Was it worth the effort? No, of course not. But at least everyone sees what a discredited big piece of you-know-what he is. Big deal.

    But still, I try to be fair. Even the smallest turds deserve their day in court.

    Truth be told, Silke writes and argues so badly that I began to wonder if he were some sort of plant to discredit the Zios but who really cares.

    Anyway that's it. "Mission accomplished" as a half-wit Bible-bashing Christian Zionist ex-president once said.



  146. "Ibrahim"

    since when are you Argentinian? Do you have citizenship? Does Argentine do double citizenship? Do you hold other passports?
    and if so is Israel's one of them?

    you are such a "schillernder Charakter" - if you'd only managed to get rid of your yelping puppy brigade - and oh please tell Greg he got his witticism about Germany so wrong and consequently unfunny that he exposes himself as a knowledge free teacher of whatever once again - poor kids to have to suffer through lessons from those guys. And shouldn't Greg have learned by now that nation bashing in his unsophisticated style is not "it" in football? Maybe he should read the Times (UK) for a while to brush up on his language

    I could say something illuminating about your incontinent ranting triumphalising teppich-fressing anon also but that might help his creativity and we won't have that, will we.

    oh and just to keep you updated
    Maradona got headlines accompanied by "beautiful" pictures for the last 2(?) days or so but today he doesn't make it at all and here is a loving portrait of an Argentinian player who seems to be vital to Maradona

    and that while you look forward to further play host to screaming hate nutters? makes me feel really sorry for you and that while there would seems to be such a beuatiful debate going on at Didi's (never mind guys "Ibrahim" knows who Didi is)


  147. I like this (from the BBC):

    "Israel has renewed its offer to release 1,000 Palestinian prisoners if Hamas militants free captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

    But PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned in a live TV address that Israel would not "pay any price" for the release of Sgt Shalit, captured four years ago.

    Talks to free Sgt Shalit broke down in 2009, after Israel and Hamas failed to agree on a list of prisoners.

    Hamas wants militants freed who Israel says have "blood on their hands"."

    So the human worth exchange rate between Israelis and Palestinians is 1000 to 1. Funny how Israel is prepared to release so many "terrorists", isn't it.

  148. so "Ibrahim" your bunch of yelping puppies again couldn't keep their keyboards unused till after the world cup.

    Quite an influence you have on your collection of weirdo admirers


  149. "Officers: IDF could handle prisoners freed to West Bank in Shalit swap"

    If you Ibrahimites would be capable of digesting more than one headline per event you would also find that the Gazans are quite happy to let those 1000 "languish" a bit longer - while ridiculing the rest of the world.

    Keep helping them, advocating for them but remember what Churchill said about crocodiles you bunch of honour free stupid beyond words cowards

  150. More from the BBC:

    "Police protection for former prime ministers should not cost anything more "than is absolutely necessary", Foreign Secretary William Hague has said.

    It follows newspaper reports that Tony Blair's bodyguards are costing taxpayers £250,000 a year in expenses."

    That is a hell of alot of taxpayer money to protect a Christian-Zionist stooge!

  151. Congrats "Ibrahim" they take to you like flies to rotting meat

    no more pretense of high flown pompous language instead we are getting closer and closer to the real stuff which is what a certain Jew from Rosario named Alberto has been longing for from the start

    But if you believe they spare you because you sing their song you'll find out that once they'll get a chance they will make no difference.

    Take care to keep your Israeli passport up to date ...

  152. US paranoia is absolutely exquisite.


    "“Across states in the Southwest, well trained officials are beginning to notice the tattoos of gang members in prisons are being written in Farsi. We have typically seen tattoos in Arabic, but Farsi implies a Persian influence that can likely be traced back to Iran and its proxy army, Hizbullah. These tattoos in Farsi are almost always seen in combination with gang or drug cartel tattoos.”

    Myrick also warned that the United States may face terror tunnels, similar to those Hizbullah used in the Second Lebanon War against Israel in 2006. Noting that the terrain along the American-Mexican border is similar to Israel’s, she wrote, “Hizbullah is extremely skilled in the construction of tunnels. Israel has time and again found Hizbullah tunnels leading into Israel, some of which are large enough to accommodate trucks. Likewise, …intelligence officials say that the drug cartels, in an effort to dig larger and more effective tunnels, are employing the expertise of Hizbullah."

    Indeed, Hizbullah and radical Islam has replaced the "Red Menace". Maybe we need to launch a pre-emptive strike and flatten Cuidad Juarez?

  153. From that same article:

    "Echoing previous reports of Hizbullah’s activity in the profitable drug trade, Myrick (North Carolina legislator) wrote, "The connection between Hizbullah and the drug cartels HAS SEEMED to grow over the past few years. This MAY BE especially true on the U.S. southern border."

    Has seemed, may be, ie. no bloody evidence whatsoever. But what about this:

    "Texas border agents have discovered illegal immigrants with an Arabic clothing patch that reads “martyr” according to the current National Review."

    Sure. Every terrorist wears clothing that identifies him as a terrorist. And isn't NR the same rag that proposed nuking Mecca a few years ago?

  154. "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get me!!"

    On the other hand implying that drug cartels are parochial is proof of a very sound mind indeed

    and all this while "Ibrahim" is in deep mourning ...
    real friends would post stuff soothing to his Argentinian-First-go ...
    like this


  155. This is getting interesting:

    (from the BBC)

    "Turkey has for the first time threatened to break diplomatic ties with Israel over its raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in May.

    Turkey's foreign minister said a break could only be averted if Israel either apologised or accepted the outcome of an international inquiry into the raid.

    The Israeli government said it had nothing to apologise for."

    Of course Israel has nothing to apologise for!!! They are God's chosen people and God does not apologise, you stupid Turks.

  156. From the Guardian:

    "The leader of the Republican party in the US, Michael Steele, is under pressure to resign after he suggested that the US cannot win in Afghanistan and described the conflict as a "war of Obama's choosing"."

    Well what do you know! There is a Republican with half a brain although he is already under pressure from the mainstream mad dogs in the party to resign.

    The truth is that everyone knows America has lost this war but the priority is to mount a lavish PR exercise before withdrawal to disguise the defeat.

    You really have to take your hat off to the Taliban. They have seen off 2 military superpowers in less than 40 years. Incredible achievement! And an inspiration for Israel's foes.

  157. howdy Ibrahim

    I am glad to notice that your Anons are getting ever more insane
    - do you still think they'll spare you once they really get going?

    After all you once were imprudent enough to let it be known that you are Jewish. If I were, I'd be very afraid of them, come to think of it, I am without even being Jewish.

    Churchill btw had remarkable insight into why a culture would be eager to help and even fête its own demise.

    BTW yesterday I had the privilege to meet your GertieBaby at another blog.
    What a delight to read again the pontifications of a truly deluded mind, but, don't be afraid, when it comes to that he still isn't up there with you.
    When it comes to that you remain still King of my Heart, you little wimp of a man.


  158. BBC:

    "Mr Netanyahu says he has listened and has since bent over backwards to accommodate Palestinian demands - making positive gestures like the freezing of new settlement building in the occupied West Bank."

    The man with a spine of US taxpayer-funded concrete has BENT OVER BACKWARDS! That is so funny!

  159. sorry "Ibrahim" but since your silly Anon is too bad mannered to keep the World Cup peace, I have to post an answer
    - now would a Latin American Country have remained in the competition I might have had to think a bit harder to find something suitable



    and this

    and this

    and this

  160. The Guardian:

    "British forces are to be pulled out of Sangin, the remote district of Helmand that has become the most deadly place in Afghanistan for Nato soldiers.

    The government will announce that British troops are to be replaced by some of the 20,000 US soldiers already in Helmand.

    Out of the 312 British service personnel to have died in Afghanistan, more than 100 were killed in Sangin, the scene of some of the most intense fighting against the Taliban.

    Political sources said the news would be presented as part of a reorganisation of coalition forces in the province. Britain will concentrate on the centre, leaving the north and south to the US."

    Translation: The primitive Taliban are kicking NATO ass.

  161. howdy Ibrahim

    are your wife and your daughter aware that you look forward to them wearing the Burqa and your having the right to lash them at will?

    - maybe that latter desire of yours explains a lot - I am told to harbour such desires is typical of cowards

    if you want to read a bit off-topic stuff of what Guardian readers and especially their wifes are like I recommend this


  162. From the BBC:

    "About 1,000 Royal Marines are expected to leave and be redeployed to central Helmand by the end of 2010.

    The military insists the move is a redeployment, now there are more US troops on the ground, but the Taliban are certain to portray it as a defeat."

    Yes, defeat has many names: "Redeployment", "Tactical Withdrawal", "Fresh start", etc.

  163. Good old puffed up ex-Britsh army officers:


    "Conservative MP and former British army officer Patrick Mercer said the handover was a routine move and should under no circumstances be considered a retreat.

    He told the BBC: "It's absolutely straightforward and normal in coalition warfare like this for units to serve under foreign command, but it's not necessarily desirable.

    "There are now enough troops for this no longer to be necessary and any suggestion that British forces are being beaten out of Sangin or returning with their tails between their legs is not just disingenuous, it's actually disgusting.""

    Hear, hear! Calling defeat by its proper name is simply disgusting, I tell you, DISGUSTING!

  164. I am glad to notice Ibrahim that your blog is now favoured by an Islamophile who consumes a lot of British media

    after what I read recently from Gert and saw of his futile attempts to create some comments for his destined to monetize blog I'd guess this is his new shtick

    if it doesn't come from yourself, you cute little darling you or a totally new and never before having been seen around here admirer.

    Gert knows that he already has acquired an avid follower in me, also Greg Potemking pontificated over there but nobody found it thrilling enough to hang on
    - very very different from what happens around here, isn't it.

    oh and somehow all this stuff about the Brits in Afghanistan reminds me that I should read up the story of the Falklands with a special interest in how well the Argentines did.

    Anyway whoever is that British media promoter Anon one thing is for sure that he has no knowledge of military matters worth mentioning.


  165. The Guardian:

    "Britain's fight against terrorism has been a disaster, because its "flawed, neo-conservative" direction alienated Muslims and increased the chances of terrorist attacks, a former leading counter-terrorism officer has told the Guardian.

    Speaking to mark today's fifth anniversary of the 7 July attacks in London, Dr Robert Lambert said the atrocity had led the Labour government to launch not just the publicly declared battle against al-Qaida, but a much wider counter-subversive campaign that targeted non-violent Muslims and branded them as supporters of violence."

    and this:

    "Lambert said the government was desperate to deny that British foreign policy drove sections of the Muslim community to support or sympathise with al-Qaida. He continued: "What the bombers did, and what al-Qaida does successfully, is to exploit widely held grievances. That should not be difficult to grasp. The last government spent most of the last five years denying that, looking for other narratives to explain what had happened.""

    Ah, but for the ideological dwarfs running our foreign policy, it is totally impossible to grasp. We dive head first into concrete again and again and again because WE ARE DEMOCRATS and THEY ARE EVIL.

    The great neo-con rollercoaster has run out of track.

  166. Another NATO success (I am losing count of our successes!):

    "Rockets fired from a NATO helicopter mistakenly killed five Afghan soldiers in Eastern Afghanistan. The friendly-fire incident is another setback in the international coalition's effort to build cooperation with Afghan forces and comes just days after Gen. David Petraeus took command of the international mission.
    The Afghan defense ministry condemned the killing. NATO spokesman Josef Blotz confirmed the incident and said an investigation would be launched into what he said was "perhaps a coordination issue." He also extended Petraeus' condolences to the families of the victims."

    "Coordination issue...." Doncha just love these cool military terms. Duh, my brain wasn't co-rdinated with my trigger finger AGAIN!

    What a great formula for winning hearts and minds: We bomb, we maim, we kill, we deny, we investigate, we apologise (sort of - "you gotta understand it was a COORDINATION ISSUE, moron!"), we express our deepest heartfelt condolones (honest, guv) and then we start all over again!

    Which idiot said we were losing this war!!

    (Spokesman "Blotz" - you couldn't make it up if you tried!)

  167. Anon at 14:45:

    "That should not be difficult to grasp. The last government spent most of the last five years denying that, looking for other narratives to explain what had happened."

    Yes, I think we've become the recruiters of our own terrorist opponents. As long as The Chimperor's adage 'They don't like our way of life' as the root cause of Radical Islam continues to be believed (thereby handily absolving us of all sin) this merry-go-round will continue.

    Excellent for undertakers and arms manufacturers! Not so great for anyone else...

  168. Ibrahim

    have you seen that?

    His majesty Gertiebaby in person back from his utter defeat at the other blog, looking for some TLC! -
    well here it is?

    but btw don't you think it is a bit rude of this wannabe Brit of yours to brag about all this British military stuff to a guy whose country, if I remember correctly, got utterly defeated last time around but undoubtedly would deal brillantly with the Taliban ;-))))))

    really tact and polite company and all that that entails are complete unknowns to your bunch of yelping puppy admirers.


    PS: how will you get through this evening, my darling, both handed or clutching the remote for a change?

    I'll check later which team has more beauties on offer and then I decide on that

  169. Apologies Ibrahim - got a wierd error message so I thought the earlier post hadn't gone through so had to re-write from scratch.

    This one may get posted twice too!

    (PS. Keep up the good work, mate!)


    Absolutely correct. But then what do you expect from people who are convinced that growing up around the corner from a curry house gives them an unique insight into the way darker-skinned people think. The whole "envy of our way of life" argument is designed to scare the living daylights out of those who believe our foreign policy elite actually know what they are doing and it has been very effective. But it will change as the money for war officially runs out (it already has of course) and people have to watch school close down and hospital wards shut to support such Orwellian nonsense.

  170. Anon 15:16:

    "The whole "envy of our way of life" argument is designed to scare the living daylights out of those who believe our foreign policy elite actually know what they are doing and it has been very effective. But it will change as the money for war officially runs out (it already has of course) and people have to watch school close down and hospital wards shut to support such Orwellian nonsense."

    Unfortunately it's not just our moronic representatives that are at fault. The 'people that do and make everything' are so busy consuming themselves to death that getting them out of their FP coma would take some serious electro-shocking.

    As regards the money running out, don't hold your breath: war is a very profitable business, almost self-sustaining. And don't forget that the part of the populace that supports the war is willing to continue to pay for the war effort because they'd 'rather die poor but FREE'. Similarly they'd rather die from lack of health insurance than 'become Socialist!'...

  171. howdy Ibrahim

    I am not sure whether you should let ypur son listen to this, he might lose respect for his fellow Argentinians

    Didn't you mention somewhere that you hold a Spanish passport also? if so, good luck for tonight, as you seem to regard football as a national pride thing, while I only enjoy it because there are so many fabulous legs paraded.

    'People want to eat' Paul the octopus

    Germany face Spain in the World Cup semi-final later today - will the team's spectacular winning run come to an end? According to Paul the psychic octopus, it will. Paul, who lives in an aquarium in western Germany, has correctly predicted the results of all their matches so far. His keeper, Oliver Walenciak, speaks to Today presenter, Justin Webb."

    and here's a picture of Psychic Paul - a real beauty he is and all your people can think of is eating him - disgusting!!!

    - btw over on the other blog Gert spoke meanly of my gifts for your son - the man really has no feeling whatsoever for football and please notice and keep in mind, that I didn't break the World Cup peace once it had been agreed upon. Could it be that I give Gert a minority complex with all that wide knowledge of high and low culture I displayed here?

    It seems I made the other guysover there loose interest in him, let's hope that stays this way and oh, he may be between jobs but he has stated that he has given up on thinking about monetising his blog. We should all keep that in mind from now on, if not, Gert might get angry and he also gets angry that I read him straight while he wants to be interpreted. I think we may look forward to theses at all the world leading unis being written about his utterings in the near future.


    PS: and as I feel really generous today here is a link for your wannabe war-correspondent Anon - maybe reading helps him mouthing off somewhere else

    not to Gertie - I didn't interpret it, I just read it
    interpreting is your shtick, mine is reading :-))))))

  172. howdy Ibrahim

    I am not sure whether you should let ypur son listen to this, he might lose respect for his fellow Argentinians

    Didn't you mention somewhere that you hold a Spanish passport also? if so, good luck for tonight, as you seem to regard football as a national pride thing, while I only enjoy it because there are so many fabulous legs paraded.

    'People want to eat' Paul the octopus

    Germany face Spain in the World Cup semi-final later today - will the team's spectacular winning run come to an end? According to Paul the psychic octopus, it will. Paul, who lives in an aquarium in western Germany, has correctly predicted the results of all their matches so far. His keeper, Oliver Walenciak, speaks to Today presenter, Justin Webb."

    and here's a picture of Psychic Paul - a real beauty he is and all your people can think of is eating him - disgusting!!!

    - btw over on the other blog Gert spoke meanly of my gifts for your son - the man really has no feeling whatsoever for football and please notice and keep in mind, that I didn't break the World Cup peace once it had been agreed upon. Could it be that I give Gert a minority complex with all that wide knowledge of high and low culture I displayed here?

    It seems I made the other guysover there loose interest in him, let's hope that stays this way and oh, he may be between jobs but he has stated that he has given up on thinking about monetising his blog. We should all keep that in mind from now on, if not, Gert might get angry and he also gets angry that I read him straight while he wants to be interpreted. I think we may look forward to theses at all the world leading unis being written about his utterings in the near future.


    PS: and as I feel really generous today here is a link for your wannabe war-correspondent Anon - maybe reading helps him mouthing off somewhere else

    not to Gertie - I didn't interpret it, I just read it
    interpreting is your shtick, mine is reading :-))))))

  173. howdy again "Ibrahim"

    your blog seems to be getting a problem with taking comments - once it said the URL was too long, next time it said it again and in the meantime it had taken it twice - maybe it got football fever ;-)


  174. in the early 70s I've heard sometimes US Navy in Greek Island bars talking about their hopes - one recurring one was that they might come a Russian submarine and take care of it.

    sometimes I long for the good ol' times when people were still allowed to say what they very understandably felt. Drifting around those islands forever on the look-out with nothing (fortunately) ever happening must have been a tough job.

    i.e. we should allow people who do such dangerous jobs a bit more leeway than a politician's PR spinmaster


  175. From the BBC:

    "At least 35 people have been killed and 100 wounded in a series of bomb attacks on Shia pilgrims making their way to a shrine in northern Baghdad, police say.

    Thirty died when a suicide bomber targeted a crowd walking through the predominantly Sunni Adhamiya district to the Imam Moussa al-Kadhim mosque."

    Gosh, can't wait to take my family on holiday to Baghdad. Such a safe place.....


    You may be right. I may be indulging in wishful thinking. And as Chalmers Johnson has shown, the American economy has been horribly militarised. But no economy can last forever on government-funded arms purchases, logistics contracts and military hospital, pyschiatric, and retirement benefits. The stupid, brutal all-powerful Soviet Union collapsed. The same will happen with the United States. It is happening as we speak. The only question, to paraphrase Aleksandr Solzehnitsyn, is whether we will be buried under the debt rubble of the neo-con security apparatus our great leaders have built.

  176. it is always sweet to observe oldsters doing the young love in the making stuff

    and this is a special for Gert of Bridlington - he may have another year left but it is never too early to face up to dire stuff


  177. "At least 35 people have been killed and 100 wounded in a series of bomb attacks on Shia pilgrims making their way to a shrine in northern Baghdad, police say.

    How can that be, when Neocons assure us everything is getting better by the day! Reports reach me of record sales of cell phones and satellite dishes!

    Baghdad is 7/7 but 24/7/365...

  178. BBC:

    "Corruption in Afghanistan has doubled in the two years since 2007, according to a survey by anti-corruption charity Integrity Watch.

    Afghans paid nearly $1bn (£658m) in bribes in 2009, with almost a third of those surveyed saying they had had to pay a bribe to obtain a public service."

    And the other 2/3 presumably got nothing for their bribery.


    Yes, that great neo-con metric of foreign policy success - number of cellphones and satellite dishes per capita. Hell, we have brought them paradise on earth!

  179. For a change here is a Betthupferl for Gert and Anon

  180. BBC:

    - Suicide attack in Pakistan tribal village kills dozens -

    "At least 50 people have been killed in a suicide bombing in a Pakistani tribal village on the border with Afghanistan, officials said.

    At least 100 people were wounded in the explosion in Yakaghund village in the Mohmand tribal region.

    The bomber came on a motorbike and blew himself up near the gate of the local administrator's office, witnesses said.

    Mohmand is part of Pakistan's lawless tribal belt where Taliban and al-Qaeda have a strong presence."

    Oh yes indeed! Expanding the War on Terror to Pakistan has been an unequivocal success!!!!!!!

  181. "Ibrahim"

    this BBC-quoting-addict of an Anon you got there is really intriguing
    I still vote for it being GertieBaby in disguise which means that he other than you managed to invent a plausible fictional character? and one who is able to converse with himself in almost non-identical voices.

    You know right now on another blog Gert is the subject of poems galore, real panegyrics, and the poor guy hasn't been able to come up with even one of his own.

    Well who hasn't the gift, doesn't have the gift and as one of the guys over there obviously knows his stuff from A to Z (not like your teacher friend Greg) Gert is probably just too much of a coward to give it a try.

  182. oh and "Ibrahim"
    I never knew that Argentinians had such gorgeous dimples - but maybe a beautiful smile besides gorgeous looks is only given to those who perform in Israel

  183. Chuckleberry HoundJuly 9, 2010 at 11:28 AM

    Hate to point this out Silke but actually it's you who is having a conversation with yourself. Haven't you noticed everyone ignores you?

  184. look "Ibrahim" there is again that maligner of the divine Mark Twain trying to barge in on your and mine little shmooze.

    Does nobody tell these kids today that when adults are talking they are supposed to keep quiet?

    I trust you provide your children with an example of impeccable behaviour and sound reasoning which will prevent them from ever chosing to go down the path of lit abuser even after they had to undergo the shameful experience of reading their father admitting to being a both hands practitioner.

    btw over at the other blog Gert still hasn't been able to come up with a poem of his own
    - makes me feel kind of sorry for him
    - why don't you help him out a bit? He may be better at impersonating than you but you as a seasoned author and composer to boot should be able to help him out with a little something

  185. The Washington Post:

    "KABUL -- Use of the Taliban's deadliest weapon, crude homemade bombs, has reached an all-time high in Afghanistan, where in the last week of June more than 300 of the devices either exploded or were found before they could detonate.

    The number of improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, in the country has risen relentlessly in recent years, up from about 50 a week during summer 2007. The bombs -- made using vast supplies of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, much of it brought in from Pakistan -- account for about two-thirds of NATO's troop fatalities in the nearly nine-year war. That figure also hit a per-month peak in June, with 102 dead."

    We tried to "fertilise" Afghanistan with the "seeds of democracy" but heavnes they use the fertiliser for something else! Ungrateful barbarians! Bomb them into the pre-stone age!

  186. howdy "Ibrahim"
    I am beginning to like your Anon, now that he has enlarged his reading - if he/she goes on like that she'll soon be a competitor to the best news aggregators the web has to offer. The only thing I object to is that he/she can't respect your wish for piece during the World Cup.

    Oh and I just had about the best laugh of this week reading about old proclamations from you sweet little darling on languages and Judaism - what a pompous ignoramus you are - the way you go about it, any strutting peacock will fold his fan in humiliation because he has no chance to compete.

    the best came at the end - the Anglos are not using their vocabulary - brillant, absolutely brillant, only a guy living way out somewhere where us ol' Europeans expect the Pampas to be and who claims to be a linguist and lets it rip as if he were one can come up with that one. (how about the math teacher thingy but no that can't be your reasoning is so devoid of stringency a math teacher would be ashamed of it) - in this context, ever heard of Smilla?

    thank you again Sweetie
    Now I know whenever I should feel slightly non-amused due to some malfunctions of something, I'll print out an old "Ibrahim" and savour it - I never knew that unintended comedy has such joys to provide

    btw the presumed current boss of AlQaeda in Yemen is even shorter than you, less than 5 feet

  187. The Independent:

    "Jewish settlers, who claim a divine right to the whole of Israel, now control more than 42 per cent of the occupied West Bank, representing a powerful obstacle to the creation of a Palestinian state, a new report has revealed.

    The jurisdiction of some 200 settlements, illegal under international law, cover much more of the occupied Palestinian territory than previously thought. And a large section of the land has been seized from private Palestinian landowners in defiance even of an Israeli supreme court ruling, the report said, a finding which sits uncomfortably with Israeli claims that it builds only on state land."

    Only 42% belongs to God's chosen people?!?!?! What?!?!?! How dare those mangy Palestinian continue to occupy the land of God's chosen people!!! More Catepillar bulldozers pronto! And this time, bulldoze all the way to the Jordan!

  188. did you notice "Ibrahim"
    your Anon is a sucker for praise ...
    again he has broadened his reading and also managed to come up with something that might actually interest you out of your football peace
    Let's see if he/she is obediant again, this time after a reprimand:

    I find his/her news aggregations a bit heavy on the British side - surely there must be horror news worth publishing from let's say Belgium, never mind French or Flemish - your readership insofar it can read anything besides bold print is sophisticated enough to deal with language barriers - it may actually make it easier for them to read into stuff what they want to find in it.

    and could you tell him/her to leave out the screaming part - after all your readers love you because you make it so easy for even their a bit challenged brains to draw their own conclusions - by bringing the superiority of the Spanish language in its Argentinian mould to the table? What about Catalan? Isn't that it where you claim your true language expertise is to be found? so why did you heap all that praise on Spanish? not one to be loyal wherever and with whatever, are you?

    Where are your hands while you are watching football?
    Always on the remote I hope - some things should remain sacred even to you

  189. Apparently Bibi has now announced that there won't be any more of these 'settlement chill' thingies, the Herrenvolk didn't get much in return and it should be understood that when it does actually make a 'painful concession' it expects great rewards.

    In Circus Israel the reasoning is like this: 'we settlement chilled for a bit, they showed they don't want peace, ergo we will resume colonising our path to peace'.

    In the mean time in the run up to the Mid Term electothingies, The One is promising the US/Israel relationship to be an extra 10 % 'unbreakable'. Bambams is looking more like the first Black emperor without clothes on every day. Meanwhile, most Meircans continue to flatline on their country's FP...

  190. "Ibrahim"
    I am getting green with envy - Gert is getting so ingenious, not being able to come up with a poem he tries to compensate by name calling in what I must assume is Flemish style, way inferior to what Brits are capable of but really "courageous" when one is looking for unabashed racists.

    Talking about Flemish: do you know if any were welcomed into Argentinia also?

    Do you have any idea why Gert chose to leave Belgium? at other blogs they imply it had something to do with the country's great love for children. Do you have any details, hopefully those who whitewash Gert from the allegation.

  191. Gert:

    Tectonic rifts baloney. It was always obvious that BamBam the AIPAC Puppet would go down in round 2.

    Concessions are always painful when you are God's Chosen People. You are giving away what the Heavenly Father gave to you.

  192. Gert:

    Tectonic rifts baloney. It was always obvious that BamBam the AIPAC Puppet would go down in round 2.

    Concessions are always painful when you are God's Chosen People. You are giving away what the Heavenly Father gave to you.

  193. Another great day for NATO in Gaffe-anistan (BBC):

    "Five US soldiers have been killed in separate incidents of violence in Afghanistan, Nato has said.

    Three died in east Afghanistan and two were killed in separate roadside bombings in the south. A sixth American died in an accidental explosion.

    More than 350 Nato soldiers have been killed this year."

  194. Glen Greenwald writes about the recent firing of Octavia Nasr from CNN:

    "First, consider which viewpoints cause someone to be fired from The Liberal Media. Last month, Helen Thomas' 60-year career as a journalist ended when she expressed the exact view about Jews which numerous public figures have expressed (with no consequence or even controversy) about Palestinians. Just weeks ago, The Washington Post accepted the "resignation" of Dave Weigel because of scorn he heaped on right-wing figures such as Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh. CNN's Chief News Executive, Eason Jordan, was previously forced to resign after he provoked a right-wing fit of fury over comments he made about the numerous -- and obviously disturbing -- incidents where the U.S. military had injured or killed journalists in war zones. NBC fired Peter Arnett for criticizing the U.S. war plan on Iraqi television, which prompted accusations of Treason from the Right. MSNBC demoted and then fired its rising star Ashleigh Banfield after she criticized American media war coverage for adhering to the Fox model of glorifying U.S. wars; the same network fired its top-rated host, Phil Donahue, due to its fear of being perceived as anti-war; and its former reporter, Jessica Yellin, confessed that journalists were "under enormous pressure from corporate executives" to present the news in a pro-war and pro-Bush manner."

    Yup. Our great free press!!!

  195. Congrats "Ibrahim"

    your comments section is overflowing onto the next page - what a feat

    it seems I have failed in drying up your comments section, Director GertieBaby has risen to the challenge admirably but from his latest I assume that he is on an imbibing splurge and so ruins your page more effectively than I ever could have - soon he will have reached the point where only the most despicable members of the blogosphere will show up and no more of the morons who claim to be able of intellectual discourse at the level you yearn for - another failure, you poor little one you

    - all I have to hope for now is to keep Gertie going and your fine pretences at differing between anti-semitism and anti-semitism will go down the drain with him

    btw how many days of fiddling with words has cost you that piece of deluded and knowledge free thinking?

    just in case there are still others than your yelping puppy brigade are around I post the link
    Did you know btw that English is the higher evolved language? but that's of course only what academics say and you of course, supreme interpreter of international law, will know that one better also.

    btw what really got me into fits of laughter was your last comment - what a supreme showing of stupidity

  196. Silke reminds me of this Dilbert strip:

    Dogbert: I hear you've become one of those annoying people who misinterprets every thing.

    Ratbert: Yeah, I'm being more assertive.

    Dogbert: I said annoying, not assertive.

    Ratbert: Apology accepted.

    Dogbert: Whatever you do, don't get in that clothes dryer.

    Ratbert: Yeah, it does look pretty cozy in there.

    (nb: I don't really like Dilbert anymore)

  197. Chuckleberry HoundJuly 10, 2010 at 11:04 AM

    Poor little Silke. But it's really nice to know that psychiatric inmates are allowed internet access these days.

  198. "Ibrahim"
    how for all the world can you stand these seriously unfunny people ...

    to console you a bit, I got this gem for you - but possibly Mrs. Miraya, Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Maligner of the divine Mark Twain and Mrs. r will laugh harder about it than you - though of course it is entirely possible that none of you get granted the privilege to start with and from what I learn elsewhere Gertie may not care altogether. Anyway it explains why you have to buy expensive jewellery every now and then.

    and thanks andrew that special Dilbert one is funny ...
